EDRL 471 Reading Timeline

  • Reading with my Mother

    Reading with my Mother
    My first memory of reading was having my mother read a story to me, probably around the age of 4 or 5.
  • First Day of First Grade

    First Day of First Grade
    On my first day of First Grade I thought I would learn how to read. I came home very disappointed that I still didn't know how to read after one day at school.
  • Third Grade Reading Resource Room

    Third Grade Reading Resource Room
    I was a good reader and liked reading both in school and out of school. In 3rd Grade I noticed that some students got to go to the school Resource Room to read and got treasure box. I began to fake problems with reading until they sent me to the Resource Room for extra practice. I only got to go 3 times until they realized I was faking, but I did get treasure box!
  • Seeing My Parents Read Books

    Seeing My Parents Read Books
    I remember seeing my parents sitting reading books in the evening after dinner almost every night.
  • Fourth Grade Reading Group

    Fourth Grade Reading Group
    My 4th Grade teacher hated me. One day in reading groups I was talking when I shouldn't have been and my teacher announced in front of the class that I should take my things and move to a lower reading group because I wasn't paying attention. I remember being humiliated and upset because the new reading group was reading a very simple book that I felt I was beyond. I hated reading group the rest of that year because she never moved me back up and I felt stupid.
  • Discovering the Classics

    Discovering the Classics
    When I was a freshman in high school I read my fist classic, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I was blown away and hooked on classics after that. I read everything by Dickens and then made a list of classics and tried to read them all.
  • Reading History in College

    Reading History in College
    I majored in history in college and I loved reading the textbooks. My friends would skim and highlight the text but I could never get myself to skim, I had to read every word of every chapter. It took a lot more time to do homework!
  • Reading for Fun

    Reading for Fun
    I developed a love of long books and long series. The longer the book, the more excited I was to read it. I tried to read everything from classics to science fiction to history. I read constantly.
  • No More Classics

    No More Classics
    I decided I should read the classics again since it had been so long since I had last read anything. I was so bored with the slow pace that I couldn't make it through a single classic, even the ones I had loved before. I was hugely disappointed but finally acknowledged that this fast paced world has ruined the slow march of a good book.
  • Reading Comes To A Crashing Halt

    Reading Comes To A Crashing Halt
    As my family began to grow and I had more kids, time for reading disappeared. I found myself going from reading two books at once to never picking up a single book.
  • Reading To My Children

    Reading To My Children
    I read to my children almost every night. I am teaching my 4 year old daughter how to read. I offer my older kids $5 a book during the summer for every book they read. I model reading to my kids at night. So far I have two kids that love to read and one that thinks its a chore.