Edrl 471

  • Started getting an appreciation for books

    Started getting an appreciation for books
    My mom would read to me every night before bed. This sparked my interest in reading for fun.
  • Learned to read

    Learned to read
    In kindergarten, I learned how to read basic books. These used sight words and words that were easy to sound out.
  • Got tested for ESL

    Got tested for ESL
    In first grade, I started a new school. Since my dad speaks Spanish in the house, I got tested for the ESL program. However, I passed and wasn’t in the program.
  • Started reading for pleasure

    Started reading for pleasure
    I started to read more books that I enjoyed rather than the books I was required to read. This made me appreciate reading.
  • Started reading challenging books

    Started reading challenging books
    I tested into a GATE program when I was in 3rd grade. I started reading at a 6/7th grade level. This was impactful because it allowed me to challenge myself
  • Surpassed my AR reading goal in elementary school

    Surpassed my AR reading goal in elementary school
    When I was in elementary school, we had a reading program called Accelerated Readers. Our books corresponded to tests and we would get points based on our scores. In fourth grade, I set my goal to 20 and ended up getting 37 points over a quarter.
  • Scored my personal best in MAP testing

    Scored my personal best in MAP testing
    In sixth grade, I received one of the highest scores in my school on the reading MAP test. This was important because it showed me how much I enjoyed and succeed in reading.
  • Took my first real English class

    Took my first real English class
    In my freshman year of high school, I took my favorite English class. In this class, I was able to be in charge of what I read and introduced to my favorite book: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.
  • Started reading college textbooks

    Started reading college textbooks
    I started reading more challenging textbooks once I started college. These allowed me to be able to read for information and do better in my classes.
  • Teaching ESL student

    Teaching ESL student
    I worked one on one with an ESL student and helped him learn to read in English. This really impacted me because it made me more aware about how we learn to read.