HMS Beagle Voyage
Charles darwin began a voyage that would help pave the way the world would view or even know about evolution. This key event is an example of falsifiability. Darwin did not believe that all things were just created and there was no evolution involved. At this time it wasnt called evolution yet, but it was the groundwork to get to the term we know as evolution. -
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Theory of Evolution
Manuscript reviewed by Lyles
Charles Darwin sent his early works on evolution to Lyell in Hope's to get another scientists opinion. This was significant because it allowed others to question the theory and help him better his research. It helped him see his work from another vantage point. -
Publication of "The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle".
Darwin published his writing on the Voyage of the beagle giving a fuller view of all the research he did while voyaging around the world. It showed all of his scientific research allowing everyone to see what he was keeping tabs of over his trip. Again this allows others to check his findings and allows other scientist to apply their expertise to help him with other aspects like the volcanoes. -
Theory of Evolution published
This was one of his last and most memorable works ever. After all the released publications, and the help of other scientist in other fields, he bettered his findings and created what we know today as evolution theory. Applying all of this to come out with an near flawless paper is the idea of scientific theory.