Period: to
Women's Movement
Women's Right Convention
68 women and 32 men sign a declaration of Sentiments which set the agenda for the Women's Rights Movement. 12 resolutions were adopted including: equal treatment and voting rights. -
First National Women's Rights Convention
This convention was hel in Worcester, Mass. and had over 1,000 participants. Now these conventions are held yearly. -
Formation of the National Woman Suffrage Association
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form this association with the purpose of gaining the right to vote for women by means of an amendment in the Constituion. -
First state winning the right to vote
Wynoming was the first state to adopt the amendment granting women the right to vote. Other states were to follow throughout the next 15 years. -
National Association of Colored Women
This association was formed and brought togehter more than 100 black women's clubs. Women involved: Josephine Ruffin, Mary Church Terrell, Anna Julia Cooper. -
Congressional Union Formation
Alice Paul & Lucy Burms worked towards giving women the right to vote. The group later becomes National Womens Party and picketed the White House. -
Amendment Passed
Video The Women's sufferage admendment was passed and becomes the 19th Admendment in the Constitution. -
1st Female secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt as the first ever femal secretary of labor. -
Birth Control Approved
FDA approves birth control which is something that is used a lot today. -
50 years later...
Equal rights amendment was passed along with the civil rights act bans sex discrimination and employment and education. -
Women in U.S. supreme court
Sandra Day O'Connor is appointed as the first women in the supreme court justice.