
Eddie Farrell Civil War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Eddie Farrell Civil War

  • Jefferson for secession.

    Jefferson for secession.
    Jefferson Davis comes out in favor of succession from the rest of the United States.
  • Democrat's Nominee

    Democrat's Nominee
    The southern democratic party couldn't decide on a nominee for the election.
  • Lincoln for Nominee

    Lincoln for Nominee
    Abraham Lincoln becomes the republican nominee.
  • Southern conference

    Southern conference
    Delegates from the southern states hold a convention in Richmond virginia
  • 1860 Election

    1860 Election
    Abraham Lincoln wins the popular vote with 1,865,593 votes for him.
  • Resignation

    James Chestnut becomes the first Southerner to resign from congress.
  • Charleston arsenal

    Charleston arsenal
    The weapons stock at Charleston falls into the hands of the southern army's.
  • Former President James Buchanan

    Former President James Buchanan
    Former President James Buchanan sends a letter to congress calling secession unconstitutional and to make an amendment that allowed southerners to keep there slaves.
  • South Carolina leaves

    South Carolina leaves
    South Carolina leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Secession begins

    Secession begins
    South Carolina starts the trend of rescinding.
  • Mississippi leaves

    Mississippi leaves
    Mississippi left the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Florida leaves

    Florida leaves
    Florida left the union and joined the confederation.
  • Alabama leaves

    Alabama leaves
    Alabama leaves the Union and joins the Confederacy
  • Georgia leaves

    Georgia leaves
    Georgia leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Louisianan leaves

    Louisianan leaves
    Louisianan leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Texas leaves

    Texas leaves
    Texas leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Abraham was inaugurated

    Abraham was inaugurated
    Abraham was officially sworn in as the 16 united states president.
  • Virginia leaves

    Virginia leaves
    Virginia leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Arkansas leaves

    Arkansas leaves
    Arkansas leaves the Union and joins the confederation.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    One of the first major battle of the civil war and a confederate victory
  • Robert E Lee

    Robert E Lee
    Despite disapproving of slavery Robert E Lee fought for the south because it was his home land.
  • Ulysses Grant invades West Virginia

    Ulysses Grant invades West Virginia
    Grant invaded West Virginia to regain a foothold in the south.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    Over the course of four days Ulysses Grant sieged this fort and won the battle taking the fort by force.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Son dies

    Abraham Lincoln's Son dies
    Abraham Lincoln's son dies on this day and it is a huge blow to Lincoln.
  • The Merrimac

    The Merrimac
    The Confederate Merrimack ship sinks two Union ships in battle.
  • Shiloh

    Ulysses set up camp but didn't send out any scouts to see if there was an enemy nearby. They were ambushed and lost about 25,000 men.
  • Union movement

    Union movement
    17 Union ships move up the Mississippi river to attack South Orleans.
  • Seven Days battles

    Seven Days battles
    McClellan and his army fought with Robert E Lee. The south had less men and lost more men in the battles but McClellan retreated even though he was winning.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    This was the second battle to take place at bull run. The North discovers the south plans in a cigar box which Robert E Lee had lost. Bloodiest single day in the war.
  • McClellan is fired

    McClellan is fired
    McClellan is fired by Abraham Lincoln for having "the slows".
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This was Abraham Lincoln's speech that told all slaves that they were free people now.
  • Vicksburg

    Grant is sent to Vicksburg by Lincoln to capture the city.
  • Chancellorsville

    The Union took a bad lose against the Confederation and lost 17,000 troop when they out numbered the south.
  • Stonewall Jackson dies

    Stonewall Jackson dies
    Stonewall Jackson dies from wounds inflicted by is own men.
  • Lee starts his advance

    Lee starts his advance
    The Confederation starts its movement north that will lead to Gettysburg.
  • Gettysburg first day

    Gettysburg first day
    This was the first day of the bloodiest battle in the whole war. It started when two opposing army's met on accident and then sent for reinforcements.
  • Gettysburg second day

    Gettysburg second day
    This was when the confederates had a chance to take the high ground of on area but were stopped by the fighting professor Chamberlain.
  • Gettysburg third day

    Gettysburg third day
    The south push forward to try to attack the north and break there lines but they get held up by a fence and are badly hurt by the Unions artillery they then fear and counter attack but none is made the south lose the battle.
  • Mississippi river

    Mississippi river
    The confederates surrendered at the Mississippi river and the north gain control over it.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    The Gettysburg address was a two minute speech made by president Lincoln. He spoke about the importance of the men who died and hallowed the ground with there blood and tried to talk the south down.
  • Ulysses Grant is named the head general of the Union army

    Ulysses Grant is named the head general of the Union army
    Ulysses Grant was named the head of the military by Abraham Lincoln because he has been getting positive results in battle despite losing many men.
  • Union mobalization

    Union mobalization
    Grant begins a massive march of 120,000 men to Virginia to confront Lee's army.
  • Cold Harbor

    Cold Harbor
    7,000 Union causalities while assaulting a Confederate fort at cold harbor.
  • Union missed opportunity

    Union missed opportunity
    The Union army missed a chance to cut off Confederate railroads and this lead to a long drawn out nine months of fighting.
  • McClellan runs for President

    McClellan runs for President
    The democratic party choose McClellan to run against Lincoln for president.
  • Atlanta captured

    Atlanta captured
    Sherman telegraphs Lincoln telling him that they have won at Atlanta and it is theirs now.
  • Shenandoah

    The Union wins a victory against the south in Shenandoah valley.
  • Reelection

    Abraham Lincoln is reelected president of the Union.
  • Sherman's march

    Sherman's march
    This was a group of military carving a path a destruction and desolation through they south wherever they went. It lasted from November 11th to December 21st.
  • Sherman destroys Atlanta

    Sherman destroys Atlanta
    Sherman destroys Atlanta and burns don its warehouses and tears up railroads. Then he marches his men to sea.
  • Women in the North

    Women in the North
    There are 270,000 women or more who are employed in the north and are more free to be there own person.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Congress approves the 13th amendment and slavery is officially on course to be abolished.
  • Peace Fail

    Peace Fail
    Abraham Lincoln Meets with vice president, Alexander Stephens, of the south to try to talk about peace but it fails.
  • Abraham Lincoln second term

    Abraham Lincoln second term
    Abraham Lincoln makes a speech about his second term how he doesn't want to fight the south and that he has no malice towards them they should end the war.
  • Lee's last attack

    Lee's last attack
    Southern General Robert, E, Lee makes his last attempt at an offence on the north and the attack breaks four hours later.
  • Union takes the Capital

    Union takes the Capital
    The Union beats the south back and takes the capital but it has already been evacuated.
  • Abraham visits Richmond

    Abraham visits Richmond
    Abraham Lincoln visits Richmond and sits in Davis offices for a while.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    Lee's surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court house.
  • Abraham is assassinated

    Abraham is assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln was at a lay with his wife and was shot in the back of the head and died the next day.
  • Abraham is laid to rest

    Abraham is laid to rest
    Abraham Lincolns funeral is handled and he is laid to rest in his coffin after the ceremony.
  • Celebration

    Washington was celebrating the end of the war with the south and their victory.
  • Slavery gone

    Slavery gone
    Slavery is finally completely abolished as the 13th amendment is ratified completely by congress.
  • Freedman bill

    Freedman bill
    Congress tries to pass a bill to have military trial for those who deprived blacks of there basic right but it is vetoed.
  • President overruled

    President overruled
    Congress denies President Andrew Johns veto of the civil right act.
  • Congress buys fords theater

    Congress buys fords theater
    Congress buys Fords theater to turn into a museum from the civil war.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    Congress approves the 14th amendment for the constitution.
  • Ulysses S Grant promotion

    Ulysses S Grant promotion
    Ulysses S Grant is promoted by congress to General of the military and is now a four star general.
  • Admiral

    Congress creates the ran of Admiral and appoints David Farragut to it.
  • KKK

    The secret service begins and investigation into the Ku Klux Klan
  • Texas Peace

    Texas Peace
    Peace was made between the Union and Texas over the civil war.
  • Texas denies the 14th amendment

    Texas denies the 14th amendment
    Texas denies the 14th amendment
  • Fire in Philadelphia

    Fire in Philadelphia
    A fire in Philadelphia destroys a number of the ships that were used in the civil war.
  • Black can vote

    Black can vote
    Blacks in D.C gain the right to vote
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a new state
  • Mississippi

    Mississippi is reconstructed and occupied by the Union
  • Congress Passes tenure Office act

    Congress Passes tenure Office act
    Denies the president the right to remove officials appointed by congress
  • 2nd Reconstruction act

    2nd Reconstruction act
    Congress passes the 2nd reconstruction act over the presidents veto.
  • Alaska purchase

    Alaska purchase
    William p Seward buys Alaska from Russia for 2 cents a acre.
  • Nebraska 14th amendment

    Nebraska 14th amendment
    Nebraska ratifies the 14th amendment
  • Demanded resignation

    Demanded resignation
    President Andrew Johnson demands the resignation of the secretary of war Edward Stanton