Economy Timeline

  • Leadership Deficit

    Leadership Deficit
    Congress passed the Dodd Frank law of 2010. It was to help prevent another financial crisis by sizing down financial firms that were too big to fail. It also required banks not to take risky investments. This is part of the Fiscal policy.
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    Obama Care was passed in March of 2010. It caused a large increase in government spending, although it did increase healthcare coverage. This is part of the Fiscal policy.
  • Trade Deficit

    Trade Deficit
    Although Obama has created 9.3 million jobs, the trade deficit has increased due to outsourcing in jobs. The trade deficit is a result of both Fiscal and Monetary policies.
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    In 2015, the United States government could not agree on a balanced budget. Because of this, the government had shut down for a short amount of time. This is part of the Fiscal policy.
  • Savings Deficit

    Savings Deficit
    Americans continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle, the middle class spends 89 percent of their earnings a year, giving them a very small cushion and increasing the wealth gap between the rich and middle class. The rich only spend 61 percent of what they make. This is a result of both Monetary and Fiscal policies.
  • Trade Deficit

    Trade Deficit
    As of June 2016, The United States has not taken any action towards the trade deficit, and it has increased due to a raise in oil prices. This is part of the Fiscal policy.