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Economy Timeline

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    America's Savings CrisisIn 2008, Americans' savings rate was up at 5.5 percent, and slowly decreasing by 2013 to a solid 2.6 percent. Whereas people in European countries such as Germany and France are up at 12.3 and 10.5 percent in their saving rates. Americans and other American speaking countries (like Austrailia and the U.K.) also face a major saving problem especially when their governments are constantly encouraging spending instead of saving.
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    Trade Ticker Trade deficits are calculated on an annual basis, and since the begging of 2014, the trade deficit was at $0.00, and today it is up to about $340 billion dollars. We have learned over the past 30 years that such a high deficit could result in an internation economic crisis if the foreigners who purchase our goods begin to stop using American dollars in their world currency markets.
  • Budget Deficit

    Budget Deficit
    The Budget Deficit is Falling In the past couple years the budget deficit has shrunk from 10% of the GDP to about 3%.The reason for this result is less government spending, but thanks to a bad bad budget deal made last year in 2013, the budget deficit is expected to rise back to to 7% but 2015.
  • Leadership

    Democrats and the Attorney General Eric Holder claim voter suppression for the minorities and elderly of America when really they refuse to start a campaign to get ID's into the hands of these people. Recently they've also been importing thousands of illegal immigrants and letting them live anywhere in the United States though we are going through an economic crisis.