Economy Project

  • GDP fell

    In the last three months of 2008, the GDP fell 3.8%. This is the biggest decline in 26 years. (Budget Deficit)
  • Obama is inaugurated

    Obama is inaugurated. George W Bush is now out of office. (Leadership deficit)
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  • The Affordable Care Act is passed

    Obama passes the Affordable Care Act, which helps spread health care to low income citizens. It combined many acts into one. (Budget Deficit)
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  • US Trade Deficit

    The US trade deficit was $497.8 billion. In 2010, imports of capital and industrial goods were up 25% from the previous year which is good for the US economy by giving businesses the confidence to invest and also creating new jobs. (Trade Deficit)
  • CPI increase

    In the year 2012, the CPI rose 1.7% (it rose 3% in 2011). The energy index increased .5%, the gasoline index rose 1.7% and the index for food rose 1.8%. All of these things helped increase the CPI in 2012. (Budget Deficit)
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  • Retirement Savings

    The NIRS report showed that American families are between $6.8-14 trillion short of recommended retirement savings marks. Most have saved less than thier annual income. (Savings Deficit)
  • Budget Deficit

    The federal government's annual deficit is $680 billion, which is the lowest since 2008. The highest was in 2009 at $1.4 trillion. (Budget Deficit)
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  • Budget Deficit

    Budget deficit will fall to $492 billion and the GDP will be 2.8 % of the economy. The GDP average for the last 40 years has been 3.1%.