Low Inflation
In 2008, the United States had one of its lowest inflation rates. The number dropped down to .1% and resulted in a lower cost of living for many Americans. This is an example of a budget deficit because it is affecting the entire nation as well as a result of both monetary and fiscal policies.
http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation-rates/2008-inflation-rate-at-01-slowest-gain-in-54-years-for-consumer-prices/1000357/ -
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
This was a monetary policy to help with the budget deficit, since it was affecting the whole nation. It was in response to the mortgage crisis, authorizing the United States to spend $700 billion to purchase desired assets and give cash to the banks.
https://www.congress.gov/110/plaws/publ343/PLAW-110publ343.pdf -
Budget Deficit of 2009
During 2009, the United States had its biggest budget deficit to date, summing up to 1.4 trillion dollars. This is due of both monetary and fiscal policies because different laws and governmental actions contributed to this.
http://uspolitics.about.com/od/thefederalbudget/tp/10-Biggest-Budget-Deficits.htm -
Affordable Care Act Established
The Affordable Care Act, commonly called ObamaCare, requires all citizens to have health care insurance by the year 2014 and maintain it during each year. This is example of a fiscal policy trying to fix a savings deficit.
http://obamacarefacts.com/howdoes-obamacare-work/ -
United States Budget Sequestratian
This fiscal policy stated that there would be automatic spending cuts to the United States federal government spending in particular categories, with the cuts being approximately $85.4 Billion. This is an example of a leadership deficit because Obama signed the Budget Control Act of 2011 that played a role in this.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/sequester -
Trade Deficit With China
In 2015, the government imported 483,244.70 dollars from China alone while it only exported 116,071.80 there. This fiscal activity resulted in a trade deficit of -367,172.90 dollars.