Debt before Obama took office and debt at the end of his term
Debt in 2008 was 10,024,724,896,912.49 before Obama became president. In 2008 he promised he would cut the debt in half yet by now in the most recent count in 2015 our debt has almost doubled to 18,150,617,666,484.33. This event would a monetary policy implement by a fiscal policy because Obama said he would cut the debt in half but he did not so he did not stick to his plan.
http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/mar/25/barack-obama/obama-promises-cut-deficit-half-four-years/ -
Money issues associated with war in Afghanistan
Ever since the war started in 2001 the costs of war was at 20 billion and throughout the years it has to new heights. As of 2011 the cost of war was at $120 billion which has contributed greatly to the national debt. President Obama waged the war in Afghanistan so it is a fiscal policy and in the Leader deficit category.
http://money.cnn.com/2011/06/22/news/economy/afghanistan_war_costs/ -
Social Security
Social security plummeted in 2014 to be $39 billion deficit. People should start to protect their benefits in social security so they upcoming generation doesn’t have to pay a huge tax increase including a lot of debt. Social security goes in the Monetary category and the budget deficit.
http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2015/07/social-security-39-billion-deficit-in-2014-insolvent-by-2035 -
In 2014 Obamacare was at 1.36 trillions towards our debt and in 2015 it when to 1.35 trillion. When Obama first started the Obamacare it was at -10 and by the end it started to get better and went to -2 percent. It is a fiscal policy because president Obama implemented Obamacare but it fits into the budget deficit.
http://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-deficit-debt/ -
Trade with foreign countries
Trade with foreign countries has increased throughout the years, especially with China, which isn’t good for our nation. We are spending more to bring products assembled overseas than we are making the products ourselves. This has contributed greatly to the national debt. Trade with foreign countries is a result and in the trade deficit.
https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0004.html -
Prime interest rate
The wall street prime interest is 3.50%. The federal discount rate 1.00%. Federal funds rate is .50%. The prime interest rate is the lowest rate someone can get a loan. Federal funds rate has a major impact the borrowing rate of banks. Federal funds and discount rates affect the stock markets. Prime interest rate goes in the monetary category because it has to do with the federal reserve and banking and would go in the savings deficit.