Economy and Developpement

  • Period: Oct 3, 1500 to

    First Occupants

  • Oct 14, 1500

    Organisation and occupation of the territory

    Organisation and occupation of the territory
    They used canoes and snowshoes as their source of transportation.
    Elderly=Watched after the children
  • Oct 14, 1500

    Tade Network

    Tade Network
    They would use the barter system.
    They would take only what they needed.
    They would trade between families, groups, and the various
  • Period: to

    French Regime

  • Economy based on fur trade

    Economy based on fur trade
    Insufficiently dense population, required the Natives alliance to do the hunting.
    Exploration and enlargement of territory to search for more and more furs. New France was constantly expanding.
    Establishment of trading posts: foundation of the towns of Quebec and Three Rivers.
  • Alliances

    Europeens were allied with the natives.
    The Natives would get pulled into Europeen conflicts and the Europeens would get pulled into Native conflicts.
  • Economic policies

    Economic policies
    They had the Mercantilism system in place.
    Mercantilism is a way of financial organisation.
    They would export more then they import.
    Take in natural resources from colonies they had control over and sell finished goods.
    New France would export natural resources back to France.
    13 colonies focused on diversed farming
  • Agriculture

    Jean Talon tried to set up the triangular trade which was not successful.
    They had subsistence agriculture which was to plant just enough to provide for your whole family.
  • Period: to

    British Regime

  • Economy based on fur

    Economy based on fur
    Fur-trade economy passes into the hands of the English.
    Creation of the North-West Company (1783) and the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821.
    Decline in the fur trade by the beginning of the 19th century.
  • Economy based on timber

    Economy based on timber
    New jobs in place like lumberjack, loggers and sawmills.
    Improvement of canals, railroads and steamships.
    Blockade by Napoleon in 1806.
    Creation of BMOin 1817.
  • Free trade

    Free trade
    Britain ends its protectionist treatment with Canada and establish Free Trade.
  • Canada signs a Reciprocity treaty with the USA

    Canada signs a Reciprocity treaty with the USA
    This treaty means that all customs and duties between the two countries are ceased for 10 years.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

  • Opening of new regions

    Opening of new regions
    New regions were opened because there were too many people in Quebec but not enough regions.
    The regions opened werre: Abitibi, Saguenay, Mauricie, Cpte-Nord and Gaspesie.
  • The Nationalist politics of MacDonald

    The Nationalist politics of MacDonald
    He had 3 main points which were:
    Increase custom duties.
    Build railways.
    Encourage immigration.
  • First phase of industrialisation in Quebec

    First phase of industrialisation in Quebec
    There were many industries in Montreal.
    Skilled craftsmen worked in the factories.
    Manufacturing industries were powered by steam.
  • Many population changes

    Many population changes
    1/3 of children did not live until ONE years old.
    From 1871-1901, the population of Canada and Quebec rose 30-49%
    People kept leaving their farms and leaving Quebec.
    People moved to the USA becasue they had better jobs.
    People were moving to more urban centres.
    The rich lived well and the poorn lived horribly.
    There was pollution, unsanitary living conditions, sicknesses etc.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    All stocks plummeted.
    Black Thursday was when stocks dropped below zero, people got ruined and when people committed suicide.
    There was a massive boom and because of that, families bought as little as possible, there were massive layoffs and most sectors of the economy were hit hard.
    Public work projects, work camps, direct aid amd encouraged farming.
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    Quiet Revolution began with the electoral defeat of the Union Nationale by Jean Lesage and his Liberal Party.
    Main features of the Quiet Revolution:
    To make the Quebec government the major force behind Quebec's social and economic developpement.
    To modernize Quebec's educational system.
    To weaken the influence of the church and to end Quebec's political isolation.