Economy and Development

  • Oct 21, 1500

    First Occupants Trade Network

    First Occupants Trade Network
    While trading, the Natives had a specific way of trading. There were different types of trades between the Indians. Firstly, there was a trading system and notion of ownership. For example, the barter system or the value of objects defined according to one's needs. Secondly, there was a trade network between families, groups and the various tribes. For example, they would trade maps of the area and potlatch. To trade with other tribes, the Indians used the canoe to transport them accross lakes.
  • Period: Oct 21, 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Oct 21, 1530

    European fishing grounds

    European fishing grounds
    Fish was the first big industry to hit North America. The european fisheries started before the French Regime. There were consequences of first contacts between the aboriginals and French fishers. Sometimes peaceful and sometimes not.
  • Oct 27, 1534

    Cartiers First Exploration

    Jacques Cartier explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence which is when he met the Amerindians and traded a few objects for fur. The Amerindians already knew about trading (algonquins & iroquois) and since the European fishermen in the 16th century.
  • Quebec's Trading Post

    Quebec's Trading Post
    At the time, Quebec's economy was based on fur trade. Quebec had a dense population that required the Native alliance to do the hunting. There was exploration which caused the territory to enlarge to search for more furs. New France was constantly expanding. The establishment of trading posts caused the foundation of the towns of Quebec and Three Rivers.
  • Period: to

    French Regime

    Between these two dates was when the French dominated Quebec.
  • The Company of One Hundred Associates

    The Company of One Hundred Associates
    The chartered company system based on privileges and obligations. The privileges only allowed to be the ones with rights to the fur trade. The obligations of the companies was that they were supposed to administer and develop the colony. During this process, the population was kept small but mostly male. They ignored the development of the colony they just concentrated on fur trade and making profits.
  • Triangular Trade by Jean Talon

    Triangular Trade by Jean Talon
    Jean Talon was given the task to diversify the economy and populate the colony. His attempts all failed because the mercantilism system (colony exporting more then importing). Also, there weren't enough people to keep up the demand for the fur. It would cost too much money to bring in more people to work.
  • The New Regions

    The New Regions
    Due to the growth of the timber industry and after having noticing that the seigneuries were over populated,their were new regions that were colonized. There were new regions such as Mauricie, Outaouais, Saguenay, Lac St-Jean and Laurentides.
  • Period: to

    British Regime

    This time period is when the English dominated Quebec.
  • British Fur Trade

    British Fur Trade
    The fur trade was now in the hands of the English due to the British Regime. The rich English Buisness men had taken over after the French made their way back to France.
  • Economic Policies

    Great Britain and Canada ended their preferential/protectonism treatment. Instead they decide to establish the free trade which means no custom or duties.
  • Napoleon's Blockade

    Napoleon's Blockade
    Napoleon created a blockade that would make it harder for Britain to get timber. Therefore, Britain looked to Canada to get their timber which started the timber industry.
  • Timber Industry

    Timber Industry
    After the blockade of Napoleon there was a rise in deman for timber. The demand for timber in Canada was very frequent. Thanks to this, new jobs such a sawmills and loggers and also new transportation roots (canals).
  • Bank of Montreal

    Bank of Montreal
    The creation of the Bank of Montreal in 1817 was to allow people to invest and obtain credit. Also for the merchents to store their money for investment purposes.
  • Merge of Fur Companies

    Merge of Fur Companies
    The fur-trade economy passes into the hands of the English. The creation of the North-West Company (1783) after the American Revolution and merge with the Hudson's Bay Company in 1821. There was a decline in fur trade by the beginning of the 19th century.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Canada needed a new trade alliance so they looked to their neighbour the USA. Canada signs this treaty with the USA. This treaty meant the customs and duties between two countries were ceased temporarily which proved advantage for the Canadian producers because the states were such a large market.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Period

    This time period represents the modern era.
  • First Phase of Industrialisation

    First Phase of Industrialisation
    Between 1867-1900 was the first phase of Industrialisation: Skilled craftsmen were using expensive and time consuming methods. Factories, first assembly lines, were more efficient, dangerous, it was boring work. Producing finished products like making shoes or jackets or pots and pans. The Coal/steam engines powered these first manufacturing industries. Many industries in Montreal (food processing). Quebec stopped farming wheat and specialized in dairy, textiles and wood.
  • National Policy of MacDonald

    National Policy of MacDonald
    The National Policy created by John. A MacDonald favored in three categories.The increase in Custom Duties: to protect/promote Canadian Industries by ensuring Canadians bought Canadian goods. Build Railway: The Canadian Pacific Railway was to run coast to coast, unify people, and increase trade. Encourage Immigration: Especially in Western Canada because a bigger population meant a bigger market.
  • Second Phase of Industrialisation

    Second Phase of Industrialisation
    Between 1900-1930 was the second phase of Industrialisation. Instead of using industrial ressources to create the products they use natural recources.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The cause of the Great Depression was the stock market crash of 1929. On Black Thursday stocks dropped below zero, people were ruined, many committed suicide. There were many sectors of the economy were hit hard. There were massive lay offs during this period of time.Families bought as little as possible during this time. The gouverment's solutions were work camps, public work projects, direct aid and encouraging farming. When World War 2 ended, the depression there was a huge economic boost.
  • Post War Period

    Post War Period
    Late 1940s after World War 2
    -Post war prosperity
    -Help Europe rebuild economy
    -Natural increase in population
    -More Immigration
    -Population rising because of baby-boom
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    The Quiet Revolution began in Quebec in 1960 with the electoral defeat of the Union National by Jean Lesage and his Liberal Party. It can be best described as a rapid and far-reaching process of social, economic, and political reform in Quebec from early to the late 1960s. There was an increase in government intervention. For example:
    -Modernizing Quebec's educatinal system
    -Weaken the influence of the Church
    -Hydro-Quebec becomes goverment owned, trans-Canada expanded, Montreal Metro