Economy and Development

  • 1500

    Economic Roles of Individuals

    Economic Roles of Individuals
    In the 1500's, individual roles were very defined. The men were in charge of hunting and fishing, the women were farmers and the elderly were in charge of watching over the children. The society worked well with these specific roles.
  • 1500

    Means of Transportation

    Means of Transportation
    In the 1500's, transportation was very important as it was the only means of communication between villages and trading posts. The means used were canoes and snowshoes. The snowshoes were used in the winter and canoes were useful to transport materials and people over the rivers and lakes.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Fur Industry in North America

    Fur Industry in North America
    Starting in 1600 and continuing for a large portion of the 17th century, the fur industry was very present in North America. The Natives would sell fur, like beaver fur to the Europeans, who set up trading posts around North America. The Europeans would then sell the fur back home. Many wars were fought between the Natives over who got to provide the Europeans with fur (they wanted stuff like metal and guns)
  • Economy of New-France

    Economy of New-France
    In the early 1600's the colony was being run by the fur companies, but they weren't trying their best to manage the colony, as they were more focused on making money. Even though members of the French government, tried to convince the King to remove their power and make it a more economically prosperous country, the King didn't switch it until 1663
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantalism is an economic ideology which suggests that you need to accumulate as much gold and items from outside your country. This leads to more exports then imports. You take control of resources and sell finish goods. Often the population suffers while the leader gets richer. This was used in the 1600's by the French and most of the countries in Europe.
  • Agriculture in New-France

    Agriculture in New-France
    In the early 1600's agriculture was the activity of subsistence These people relied on it heavily to make a living and have food to eat, since not much else was developed there. The main crop was wheat.
  • Company of One Hundred Associates

    Company of One Hundred Associates
    Trading company used in New-France in the 1600's. Founded in 1627, this trading company was very prolific and rebuilt many of the trading posts in Quebec.
  • The Compagnie des Habitants

    The Compagnie des Habitants
    Another fur trading company, the Compagnie des Habitants was created by some merchants who came to Quebec. It gained control of the monopoly in 1645. It wasn't as successful as some of the other companies because of a lack of experience and some attacks by the Natives. It lost the monopoly in 1663.
  • The French West India Company

    The French West India Company
    Founded by the French Minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert in 1664, it also took control of the fur monopoly. It was the last company to have control of the monopoly, because in 1674 it was dissolved after competition and bad strategies led to it's failure.
  • Hudson's Bay Company

    Hudson's Bay Company
    French adventurers Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart Des Groseilleurs were trying to establish the fur trade in North America, but France didn't believe in them and offered no support. Instead, the two French men decided to talk to Britain. There they founded the Hudson Bay company. They set up trading posts all over Canada, and the company still exists today.
  • Expansion of the Territory

    Expansion of the Territory
    Because of the fur industry, the french tried to set up trading posts around the water in North America. They need spots to bring the fur and transport it. Because of this the territory was greatly expanded.They made their way towards the Great Lakes and even the Rockies.
  • The Beaver Crisis

    The Beaver Crisis
    In the 1690's, there was a crisis in the beaver fur trade, when the fur suddenly became less popular and irrelevant. This led to the industry being slowed down and the remaining pelts were held in warehouses. These furs were ultimately ruined when when rodents and insects ended up eating the furs
  • Rise in Demand for Timber

    Rise in Demand for Timber
    In 1806, back in Europe, Napoleon set up a blockade that didn't let France use the timber industry. To fill the void that this blockade makes in their economy, France looks to North America. This means that their is a large increase in demand for timber.
  • Development of New Regions because of Timber

    Development of New Regions because of Timber
    The development of the tinder industry in North America also led to the development of new regions. For example, when all the threes were cut down in a certain area, they had to move on to new regions and set up trading posts along the way. Regions such as Outaouais, Mauricie and the Laurentides were all found and inhabited because of the timber trade.
  • Creation of the Bank of Montreal

    Creation of the Bank of Montreal
    In 1817, the Bank of Montreal is officially created. This stimulates the economy because it gives people the opportunity to nvest their money and obtain credit. When people spend their money, the economy prospers, because now the bank can do things like give out loans to small businesses
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    Signed in 1854, the Reciprocity Treaty was a free trade agreement signed by Canada and the States to facilitate trade. It was set up by Great Britain after they stopped giving Canada preferential treatment. The treaty was signed for 10 years and was never extended because the U.S. was no longer interested.
  • National Policy

    National Policy
    The National Policy was a policy created by John A. McDonald and his government in 1871. It's main goals were to encourage immigration to Canada, build railroads andand increase customs. It succeeded in all these things.
  • First Phase of Industrialization

    First Phase of Industrialization
    The first phase of industrialization came to Quebec in the lae 1800's. This meant that now there was less need for trade jobs. Many things were automated. Jobs became much more simple, where you would have an assembly line. This was more cost and time efficient, and created more jobs.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I was a terrible war that was started in 1914 when the archduke of Austria was assassinated. It killed so many people and many countries in the world chose sides and participated. It was very beneficial economically to Quebec. That's because weapons and supplies needed to be made in factories. The women also started working so when the men came back there were some dual income families.
  • The Roaring Twenties

    The Roaring Twenties
    After the First World War, the population was in a jovial mood. They were celebrating their victory in their war. People were spending more money then they usually did, and many families were suddenly becoming dual income families. This high ultimately led to the low of the Great Depression.
  • New York Stock Market Crash

    New York Stock Market Crash
    In 1929, with almost no warning, the New York Stock Market crashed. This happened because people were spending money that didn't exist. When people tried to recall the money they had left in the bank, the market crashed. This had huge implications everywhere, and led to the Great Depression.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a period that defined the 1930's. It was a period of economic suffrage, coming after the roaring 20's, a period of economic prosperity. It started with the stock market crash, but continued for a decade when people were too afraid to spend their money, which can lead to prolonged suffering since no money is being circulated in the system.
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution
    The Quiet Revolution was a period of time in Quebec history where we changed very swiftly and drastically. It started when Jean Lesage lost the election and was replaced by Duplessie. In general, the government became much more interventionist.
  • Oil Crisis

    Oil Crisis
    In 1973, the oil prices suddenly spiked because of the newer energy ressources. This economic recession led to a lack of jobs and was bad for the U.S.'s economy, which is ultimately bad for Canada's economy.

    In 1993, Canada signed the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and the States in order to promote trade and globalization.