Economy And Develepment

  • Oct 29, 1500

    Aboriginal Trade Network

    Aboriginal Trade Network
    The different aboriginal groups traded amongst each other for resources that they needed. Trading was also used to strengthen relations and make allies or make amends. The Amerindians often travelled great distances to meet in a trade.
  • European Fishing

    European Fishing
    The European coast was running low on fish so the fisherman would travel over near the soon to be north america to fish the abundant amount of Cod. They would stay the summer and leave the winter. The fishing network became one of the main sources of food for the french and it also improved the economy.
  • Aboriginal Contact

    Aboriginal Contact
    The Fisherman of France had some contact with the Amerindians during the time they dried their fish. The Europeans traded objects like mirrors, metal swords and guns to the Amerindian for furs in which they can easily sell back in France. A good relationship was made for both groups were profiting from the trade
  • Rise of the fur trade

    Rise of the fur trade
    In the late 1600s ,The french began realizing that furs grant great profit in France so they began increasing trade with the aboriginals. A few trading posts were created to increase trade. More and more people came to take part in the fur trade. Shipowners began investing in it. This is the beginning of the fur trade
  • Company of 100 associated

    Company of 100 associated
    This company was one of the main companies that was given monopoly over the fur trade. They promised to bring over a large quantity of colonists but ultimately failed. The monopoly was taken from them
  • Charter Company system

    Charter Company system
    The companies that had monopoly must populate the territory of new France. King Louis XIV gave monopoly to companies that agreed to populate the colonie. Most companies did not because they did not find it profitable and because there was a war waging in Europe between France and England and the boats of colonists were getting destroyed
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is based on a nation's accumulation of wealth (Gold and silver). This was achieved by colonizing territories that had natural resources they could exploit for money.
    It was a way to determine the wealth of a country. They did this by exploiting their trade. For example the fur trade was used to make hats and such in France
  • Fall of the fur trade

    Fall of the fur trade
    When the Hudson bay company merges with the northwest. The demand of furs in Europe go down meaning that the fur trade is less profitable It begins to decrease in profit at the end of the french regime.The timber trade replaces it and becomes the main source of profit and the most exploited resources since the British lack it.
  • Changes in agriculture

    Changes in agriculture
    After passing the corn laws in the early 19th century, tariffs encourages the growing and export of wheat. In addition better agriculture styles were created. Other plants that were not as popular became more used because of the corn laws
  • Protectionism

    When laws are adopted to try and improve the local market and over all economy. They are put in place to discourage buying things from foreign countries. A example of this is the corn laws put in place during the 19th century
  • Economy based on timber

    Economy based on timber
    Napoleon sets up a blockade in 1806 preventing Britain’s access to timber ---> increase in demand. -Creation of the bank of montreal in 1817 to allow access to credit and investement.
    -New Jobs: Lumber jack, Mills, Luggers, etc.
    Improvement and development of transportation
    -Canals, railroads and steam ships The log companies become extremely profitable
  • free trade policies

    free trade policies
    in 1864 the king put out free trade policies. This diversified the market of canada and it shifted them towards foreign countries like The USA. They want to find new trading parteners. So they signed the reciprocity agreement with the united states of americal
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    The reciprocity treaty was signed in 1854 between Canada and the united states. It basically ensured trade between the two with nearly no tarifs . Canadian and American products would be priority in the opposite country. This treaty helped out Canada's economy but was abolished 10 years later in 1864.
  • Urbanization

    Working class neighbors were created close to factories and living conditions were often hard there. Most working class dwellings were made of wood and did not have running water, electricity or toilet, moreover. These poor working conditions, which were endured by unskilled workers, would drive them to unite in order to demand improvements to their situation. People move to the cities because of industries being made. New suburbs for the working class are terrible.
  • The creation of Canada

    The creation of Canada
    The colonies of Canada had multiple reasons to join together.The first one being that the treaty between the USA and Canada was abolished and it would facilitate trade if they joined together so they don't need to pay tariffs. Another reason is because they were scared of an attack from the USA so they united to have a bigger army to defend themselves. The last reason is because they knew the Americans wanted to expand towards the north west and take the resources so they colonized it first.
  • Jurisdictions of the confederation of Canada

    Jurisdictions of the confederation of Canada
    Federal Jurisdiction
    -Money and banking
    -Regulation of trade,
    Commerce and export Provincial Jurisdiction
    -Economic Development
    -Granting of commercial licenses and incorporation of companies
    -Administration and sale of public land
    -Direct Taxation for provincial purposes Shared Jurisdiction
    -Exploitation and export of natural resources and raw materials
  • First phase of industrialization

    First phase of industrialization
    Industrialization came to Quebec in the late 19th century, this period there was a change from the old style cottage industry. Where skilled craftsmen used slow costly methods to produce goods, to factory production factories employed cheap, unskilled labour Several factors encouraged industrialization in Quebec.People moving to the cities from rural areas and immigrants arriving from europe provided plenty of cheap labour. Raw materials such as wood, leather and farm products were plentiful.
  • The main types of early manufacturing industries

    The main types of early manufacturing industries
    -Food processing flour milling: sugar refining, meat packing, brewing butter and cheese
    - Leather: tanning, boots and shoes.
    - Textiles:
    - Tobacco
  • Exploitation of resources

    Exploitation of resources
    -Exploitation based on each “period” of industrial development ( agriculture, forest, mining, Hydro electricity. -Source of capital shifts from Britain to america in different economic sectors
    -Birth of crown corporations
  • New areas colonized

    New areas colonized
    Industrial development was extremly reliant on the exploitation of raw materials. Many new places were colonized for the sole purpose of extracting these abundant materials from nature. These areas include saguenay, mauricie , outaouais and laurentides.
  • First world war

    First world war
    Canada became one of the major suppliers for the allied troops
    During the war developped sectors such as mining iron and steel, clothing, etc.The agricultural sector also benefited from the war as the demand for wheat and pork intended primarily for soldiers grew rapidly.
  • The great depression of the 1930’s

      The great depression of the 1930’s
    After the war the markets thought that they would sell alot so the made alot of things that no one would buy. There was a surplus which leads to a fall in price. They stop creating which made people lose jobs. investors got scared and stopped investing. lots of companies crash. The main issues were over consumption and overproduction
  • Social change of 1945

    Social change of 1945
    Because of the war after 1945 , tertiary sector employees who were increasingly in number, Unionized. As a result they could take advantage of several social benefits such as -one to two weeks of paid vacation
    -A 40 hour workweek
    -Overtime pay
    - A health insurance plan
    -The option to contribute to a pension fund. Everyone was happy and jolly because the war was over so everyone had babies. This would come to be called the Baby Boom
  • Economic Nationalism

    Economic Nationalism
    Quebec noticed that their economy by foreign companies. So they nationalized the economy. To ensure that the profits stay in Quebec. This also leads to the creation of hydro Quebec
    1962: SGF 1964: Montreal Metro 1965: SOQUEM, Caise de dépot 1967: Daniel Johnson Dam 1969: SOQUIP MEQ created ( cegeps introduced) Weakens church influence because they previously controlled education.
  • Recessions and recoveries since the 1980s

    Recessions and recoveries since the 1980s
    Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC)
    Decide to curb oil production and raised prices causing an economic slowdown in the western world. The ensuing increase in transportation costs was accompanied by a general rise in the price of goods.
    Government Reactions to economic fluctuations
    They privatize and sell companies to get rid of debt and put that money towards other parts of the economy.