Knights of labor founded
The leader of the labor knights is peter j. McGuire he suggested a day celebrating the american worker 10,000 workers supported this group called the labor knights later congress made labor day a federaal holiday and this holiday is every monday in september -
united mine workers
the mine workers celebrate to secure fair pay safe working conditions and other benifits for mine workers to start getting some of these rights the triangle shirtwaist factory had to burn down to the ground in 1911 in which 146 workers died the tragedy brought national attention to the issues of workplace saftey and workers rights -
Children working
in loud and dirty factories young children were once forced to work long hours in hazardius conditions some of the boys were so small they had to climb onto the machinery pressure from unions helped win passage of the 1938 fair labor standerds act which made most forms of child labor illegal -
Congressional protections
As the nation struggled through the grate depression congress took uo the labor cause passing a number of pro-union measures the expansion of workers rights contributed to a new rise in union strength membership peaked in the 1940s at about 35 percent of the nations non-farm work force -
Splinter group
AFL splinter group becomes the independent congress of industerial organizations headed by john L. lewis -
Right to work
in an effort to curb union power congress passed the taft-hartley act in 1947 this act allowed states to pass right to work laws measuers that ban madatory union membership -
Farm workers
Ceaser chavez begins organizing the first farmworkers union which eventually establishes the first labor agreement with growers -
public sectors
Increase in Public sector unions decline in overall union membership