

  • Period: Apr 24, 1400 to

    Economical Trends U.S HIS

  • Apr 19, 1512

    Encomienda System (1481-1607) Unit 1

    Encomienda System  (1481-1607) Unit 1
    The encomienda system was created by the Spanish to control and regulate American Indian labor and behavior during the colonization of the Americas. In the economics of the Spanish colonies, Indian labor, used in the encomienda system to support plantation-based agriculture and extract precious metals and other resources, was gradually replaced by African slavery
  • Apr 19, 1580

    The Columbian Exchange (1481-1607) Unit 1

    The Columbian Exchange (1481-1607) Unit 1
    The Columbian Exchange was a network of transporting goods from the Old world, Europe, to the New World, the Americas, across the Atlantic ocean. The New World provided new crops such as maize, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and monioc. Britain took advantage of this and used a system called mercantilism to increase their economy. Britain would take the raw material from the New World and manufacture them in Britain, then sell it to other ccountries.
  • Middle Passage (1607-1754) Unit 2

    Middle Passage (1607-1754) Unit 2
    The Middle Passage which was part of the Triangular trade, transported west African people to become slaves in the colonies. As slaves they were forced to grow crops in harsh conditions. The colonies profited from this and so did Britian.
  • Industrial Revolution (1607-1754) Unit 2

    Industrial Revolution (1607-1754) Unit 2
    Cloths making moved from homes to the factory during the first Industrial Revolution. Automation on a large scale was first introduced, which allowed for the first real mass production and a concurrent introduction of factory jobs which were higher paying than agriculture.
  • Stamp Act (1754-1800) Unit 3

    Stamp Act (1754-1800) Unit 3
    The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first internal tax levied directly on American colonists by the British government. The act, which imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies, came at a time when the British Empire was looking to its North American colonies as a revenue source.
  • Townshend Act (1754-1800) Unit 3

    Townshend Act (1754-1800) Unit 3
    The Townshend Act imposes taxes on paper, paint, glass, and tea.
  • Boston Port Act (1754-1800) Unit 3

    The Boston Port Act is an Act placed by Great Britain, which closed the port of Boston until damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid.It was made a law on March 31, 1774, and is one of the measures that were designed to secure Great Britain's jurisdictions over her American dominions.
  • Cotton Gin (1800-1848) Unit 4

    Cotton Gin (1800-1848) Unit 4
    One technoligical advancments during this time was Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin. This machine made production of cotton easier and faster. The Cotton Gin brought revenue to the south making slave owners wealthy.
  • Erie Canal (1800-1848) Unit 4

    Erie Canal (1800-1848) Unit 4
    The Erie Canal was first proposed in 1807, its construction began in 1817, and later finished in 1825 it was a great economical boost to U.S.The Erie Canal greatly lowered the cost of shipping between the Midwest and the Northeast, bringing much lower food costs to Eastern cities and allowing the East to economically ship machinery and manufactured goods to the Mid-west. The canal also made an immense contribution to the wealth and importance of New York City, Buffalo, and New York State
  • Gold Rush (1800-1848) Unit 4

    Gold Rush (1800-1848) Unit 4
    In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in California. A mass migration of prospectors to California followed. This sped the population of the west, California in particular.
  • South Economy Unit 5

    South Economy Unit 5
    in this time period the southern economy was based on agriculture. there economy was a lot diffrent from the one of the North. this was known as "Economic Disparity" were there is a diffrence in the income of certain parts of the society ( North & South) the south's economy was supported on slavery to keep there economy going and work their fields.
  • North Economy Unit 5

    North Economy Unit 5
    The North was more industrialized. they did not depend on slavery or agriculte like the south. The Northern economy had a huge advantage over the south's economy.
  • Impact Railraods had (Transcontinental Railroad) Unit 6

    Impact Railraods had (Transcontinental Railroad) Unit 6
    In 1862, the transcontinental railroad was built to link the United States from east to west.The Transcontinental Railroad created a nationwide transportation network that unified the United States. It allowed for the transportation of larger quantities of goods over longer distances. This was especially helpful for the industrial north at the time. Commerce increased between the states allowing over 50 million dollars worth of cargo to be shipped every year from 1869-1879
  • John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil Unit 6

    John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil  Unit 6
    John D. Rockefeller was the owner of Standard Oil. He created trusts and soon monopolized the whole oil bussiness. He owned over 90% of the oil Bussiness, since most of the Oil Bussiness was owned by one company it impacted consumers in a negative way. Rockefeller had the power to raise the prices of oil as much as he wanted.
  • Pullman Strike unit 6

    Pullman Strike unit 6
    The Pullman Strike was when workers went on strike. When their employers fired almost half of their works to lower the wages of the other half by 25% to 50%. their wages were already low and they worked many hours so these labor unions went on strike.
  • Panic and Protest Unit 7

    Panic and Protest Unit 7
    The valiue of Silver dropped causing a Panic in the U.S. 10 days after Cleveland took office a lot of Major Corporations went Bankrupt and over 16,000 Disappeared. this triggered a stock market crash. people couldnt find jobs and struggled.
  • black Tuesday Unit 7

    black Tuesday Unit 7
    The Wall Street Crash of 1929 known as Black Tuesday marks the beginning of Great Depression. Most people lost their money, jobs, and beacause of this tragety
  • The Great Deppresion Unit 7

    The Great Deppresion Unit 7
    The Great Deppresion was a time period were the economy of the U.S was horribly low. Everyone lost all their money, couldn't find any type of job, and had to live in Hoovervilles. People looked for the help of President Hoover but his answer is that the only way to overcome this deppression is by self- reliance.
  • Great Society Unit 8

    Great Society Unit 8
    LBJ believed on extending FDR's New Deal with his version "The Great Society" he believed on ending poverty and increasing Education and helthcare programs. this was meant to help better the U.S ecnomony.
  • Stagflation in the U.S Unit 8

    Stagflation in the U.S Unit 8
    During President Nixon presidency the U.S was expirementing "Stagflation." Stagflation is when inflation is high and it matches up with the number of Unemployement.
  • U.S expirementing a Recession

    U.S expirementing a Recession
    Once President Nixon resigned from office President Gerald Ford took offive. He realized that the U.S was going through a "Recession". a Recession is when the GDP keeps falling every year.
  • Reaganomics

    Once Ronald Reagon came into office he introduced a new economic policies known as "Reaganomics." It was based on smaller taxes, small gov. but strong Military.
  • Back in the Arms Race Unit 9

    Back in the Arms Race Unit 9
    after the U.S.S.R invaded Afganastan the U.S focused on the Arms Race again. Reagon increased military spending and reduced domestic spending. this pushed the Soviet to try to keep up with the U.S economy. This causing the Soviet to go bankrupt.