Economic Timeline

  • Galileo's observations of our solar system

    Galileo's observations of our solar system
    Galileo helped advance our society. He made many observations like the moons of Jupiter and how the planets circle the sun. He helped us understand the universe and how the solar system works which was a huge discovery.He helped NASA explore our planets and they have gotten where they are today because of him and his discoveries.
  • The first book printed in the United States

    The first book printed in the United States
    The first book printed in the U.S was "The Bay Psalm" and it was produced in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The book is a metrical Psalter. It required importing materials of printing to the new colony and it helped advance the technology. This showed the amazing invention of the printing press and how books could be produced much quicker.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre led to the Revolutionary war which led to our freedom. It started with the extra taxes om good by the British and this started a riot. This lead to many other wars and issues that changed our economy.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    This war helped our economy in the end. During the war, we said we we're not going to trade with any countries which hurt the U.S's economy but after the war ended we could trade with anyone. This was good for our economy because we we were not scared of any threats or interference's that we might get from other countries..
  • The radio was created

    The radio was created
    The radio created jobs because they needed announcers and people on different stations.Before the radio people had to listen to music through phonographs or through live performances.
  • The Wright Brothers

    The Wright Brothers
    They made the first plane that was controlled and sustained. It was a huge success and this lead to huge technological advancements. Now we have the airplane and this all started with the inventions of the Wright Brothers.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War One allowed the US economy to grow. It also contributed to the decade of the roaring 20's which was an economic boom. This was a time of devastation but the affects afterward were significant. Woman got to get involved in the workforce as well.
  • Thompson submachine gun

    Thompson submachine gun
    This was used during the prohibition era and this was an advancements in weaponry. This was a new step toward our highly advanced machinery we have today. It was also known for its accuracy. It was created by John Thompson
  • All-electronic television system

    All-electronic television system
    Philo Farnsworth created the first electronic television system that he released to the press. This was the first step toward the modern Television we have today. We have made many improvements since then but it was an impressive invention.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    This Depression was the end of the international standard and it led to many people losing their jobs and there was deflation.Many people lost all of their life savings.
  • World War II

    World War II
    There were many technological advancements created during the war like weapons and machinery. There were new ideas being created in the work force and many new electronics were created. The war also helped Americas find new jobs and help during the war instead of being unemployed because of the depression.
  • Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

    Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
    This helped people access data online. This was a huge change because before the web people had to send telegrams and letters to communicate. People could send emails through the computer which helped improve technology.
  • 9/11

    This worsened our economy by decreasing the rates of tourism. It went down significantly. We also put tons of money into domestic security after the attacks. Congress also offered tax relief for the victims and their families which contributed to the recession the U.S was in afterwards.
  • Microsoft Xbox adaptive controller

    Microsoft Xbox adaptive controller
    This adaptive controller helps people that have disabilities. These people can still play on this device with limited mobility. People who weren't able to play before now have a chance at playing and buying these controllers. The sales will also go up.