Economic History from 1914-1929

  • Henry Ford mass car production

    Henry Ford mass car production
    Henry Ford worked with Edison Illuminating Company, and introduced conveyer belts to the car manufacturing factory for workers to work on cars more efficiently, which reduced build time by 11hrs. Henry Ford also fired multiple staff members due to not needing them, but doubled the wage of existing staff and also lowered the price of his cars due to lower wages.
  • Oil discovery in Canada

    Oil discovery in Canada
    Canada found oil in the Turner Valley region. Turner Valley contained large amounts of Naphtha-soaked natural gas at the time, as of why? geologists don't know. Turner Valley went on to become Canada's largest oil field.
  • Income Tax Introduction

    Income Tax Introduction
    Canada was spending way too much, and funding out from countries like the United Kingdom and the United States of America, whilst also being in an economic rescission. Due to these reasons and Canada running out of funds, The government created Income Tax leading up to the war.
  • Longshore strikes

    Longshore strikes
    1400 members of the strike demanded raises on their wages, and improved working conditions. Impacted the maritime trade and transportation due to lack of employees. Employers sent hundreds of men with shotguns to break the strike, which imprisoned union leaders.
  • Home of Montreal Bank fails

    Home of Montreal Bank fails
    Ottawa took control of the Home of Montreal Bank, which ultimately lead to its collapsing and the ruining of multiple Canadian's lives, as the bank took everyone's savings. Many turned to the government as another bank in Toronto failed, although the government promised to stay out of banking.
  • Canada returns to Gold Standard

    Canada returns to Gold Standard
    Canada went off of the Gold Standard due to the first world war, as the United Kingdom followed. Canada now ceased redeeming gold notes, thus ending the Gold Standard until further notice
  • Stock market crash - Great Depression

    Stock market crash - Great Depression
    This was one of the causes for the Great Depression & a global war. This even occurred on Black Friday. Prime minister acts to centralize banking system as credit demand increases
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Billions of dollars lost in revenues from investors because of this event, as unemployment rose to 25% and companies laid off thousands. The companies and market went back up due to the commence of an war