Economic Globalization Timeline

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    WWI was caused by a shared imperialistic ambition shared by Germany and Britain. This conflict was powered by the thirst for colonization. A war had been put out to colonize all of Asia and Africa due to its abundance of resources and for WWI was a global event that resulted in havoc. The direct Legacies Involved economic and social disparity. This meant that m
  • Creation of Communisn

    As a result of WWI, many people were disturbed by the sheer destruction and chaos that Czar Nicholas III had created. For this reason, he stepped down from the throne. Shortly after Josef Stalin came into power, he forced the idea of communism that was introduced by Vladimir Lenin.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    A collective gathering took place to address the economic and social effects of WWI. Countries collectively decided that Germany would pay reparation payments. Because of this, they were forced to pay reparations fees. However, Germany already had the highest debt science of their heavy dependence on the United States. This condition would make them fall into debt faster. The European countries also decided to pull out of all existing German colonies.
  • Stalin

    Stalin led Russia or the USSR into becoming the first communist state at that time. His goal was to improve the current assets he had and increase the growth of industrialization. He inforced communism by collectivizing all major sources of income at the time. Specifically farming, this made it hard for a select few to profit and benefitted the poor and disabled.
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    The Great Depression

    During the 1920's consumers began to spend more money rapidly. More specifically, consumers started buying into companiesThe "credit" that everyone was using had crashed, which
  • Hitler

    The Great Depression had a significant and serious effect on the Germans. For this reason, Adolf Hitler nominated himself to fix these problems. Germany was in the midst of a crisis and was desperate for a solution, thus following his inauguration. The cost to fix the mass amount of destruction that occured was obscene. It was this event that sparked the idea of the World Bank.
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    The Great Depression and The Treaty of Versailles had been especially hard on Germany. Hitler promised Germany he would fix all of the economic disparity caused by these events. He made the Germans believe they belonged to a master or higher being called Aryans. ( A caucasian individual that had blonde hair and blue eyes). The Nazis invaded Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. It was then, that France and Britain declared war.
  • Bretton Woods

    Countries had gathered together in an attempt to find common ground for the ending of WWII. WWII was already coming to an end, however, Britain and Germany were still heavily involved. To remodify this other countries held a global conference
  • IMF

    Used to help countries in Economic trouble. Funded by countries that supply income to this organization. The main goal is to establish economic stability internationally and provide emergency short-term loans for countries.
  • World Bank

    Created to help restore worn-torn countries. Countries that were part of this alliance would contribute to wealth and prosperity to be re-distributed throughout the country. Reduce poverty and increase development in countries involved with WWII and other war-themed events
  • GATT

    The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Used to establish trade rules and alliances between countries. Countries gradually discuss the idea of tariffs and taxes.
  • WTO

    The World Trade Organisation emerged from the GATT. The WTO regulates trade and international affairs as well as telecommunications and the spread of goods and services. Rules include copyright rules, patents, intellectual property, etc.