Economic boom 21404313

economic boom

  • boom of 1970

    boom of 1970
    Farmers made up only 4.6 percent of the American workforce in the early 1970s, yet this tiny minority generated nineteen percent of the United States’ exports
  • the turmoil of oil

    the turmoil of oil
    The energy crisis dominated world events during the 1970s. In October 1973, the Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC refused to ship oil to the United States, Western Europe or Japan in retaliation for their support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War against Egypt
  • sustainable agriculture

    sustainable agriculture
    Many farmers during this period also began to consider a wholly different approach to agriculture called sustainable agriculture, or a system of farming that maintained its productivity and usefulness to people forever.
  • smart farms

    smart farms
    During the 1990s farm management became increasingly important. Because the cost of inputs the things a farmer needs to produce a crop rose sharply during the 1980s, farmers needed to become better business managers and computer users in order to succeed.
  • conversation tillage

    conversation tillage
    Another innovation that became widely practiced by farmers during these years was conservation tillage systems. These systems involved leaving leftover crop stalks on the soil surface, mainly to control erosion.
  • farm bills of 1990

    farm bills of 1990
    During the 1990s two farm bills were signed into law. Under President George H. W. Bush, the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 was signed into law
  • 1992 north american free trade agreement

    1992 north american free trade agreement
    Conditions for farmers also improved during the 1990s. Low interest rates meant farmers had less debt. In 1992 President George H. W. Bush signed the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA between the United States, and Canada and Mexico, which eliminated trade barriers and facilitated trade among the three countries.
  • genomic research and cloning

    genomic research and cloning
    The Human Genome Project identified approximately thirty thousand genes in human DNA and made this information publicly available to scientists everywhere. Similar genome projects were started for farm animals, plants and microorganisms
  • food safety regulation

    food safety regulation
    In January 1997, President Bill Clinton launched the President’s Food Safety Initiative to promote public health and improve food safety
  • the new millennium

    the new millennium
    In the year 2000 the food and agriculture sector contributed $1.3 trillion or thirteen percent to the American Gross Domestic Product, and employed seventeen percent of the labor force.
  • challenge in a new century

    challenge in a new century
    Advances in science and technology are fueling a global economy. The pace of scientific research is accelerating. Energy security, the ability to provide uninterrupted available energy sources at reasonable prices, is a challenge for modern economies.
  • alternative agricultural and vertical integration

    alternative agricultural and vertical integration
    As the public demand for high quality and safe foods increased, many small farmers found success by aggressively marketing their organic and specialty products to consumers. Meanwhile, large agribusinesses began contracting with farmers and ranchers to raise products that specifically met their needs and standards.