Econ and Development

  • Oct 1, 1500

    First Occupants

    First Occupants
  • Period: Oct 1, 1500 to

    Econ and Development

  • French Regime

    French Regime
    From 1608-1760 it was the French Regime.
  • Chartered Companies

    Chartered Companies
    Chartered Companies were companies who had rights to the fur trade. Since they had this right, they needed to help the economy. The ultimate goal of the Chartered Companies was to make a profit.
  • Mercantilism

    Jean Talon was the first Intendant of New France. Jean stopped mercantilism, and replaced it with the triangular trade. This new system aloud the colonies like New France to make more money. New France didn't need to send everything back to France, they were able to sell their own finished products, and just give the raw materials to France.
  • Triangulsr Trades

    Triangulsr Trades
    Triangular trades was the new biggest thing. They used it in a way where sugar, tabacco and coton went from North America to Europe, then from Europe to Africa went the manufactured goods, then from Africa to North America went the slaves.
  • British Regime

    British Regime
    The Brtiish regime was from 1760 to 1867.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, which was negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence.
  • Creation of the North West Company

    Creation of the North West Company
    The North West Company was a fairly big fur trade company. In the early 1820's, it combined with Hudson's Bay company which is now a store that we all go to, known as the Bay.
  • Blockade by Napoleon

    Blockade by Napoleon
    The timber industry started up in the province of Quebec because there was a blockade by Napoleon in the early 1800's which blocked the English workers from having access to timber.
  • Fur Trade Down, Timber Going Up

    Fur Trade Down, Timber Going Up
    Give or take a couple years from 1815, the fur trade industry was going down, and the timber industry was on the rise. During the British regime, the main industry was timber.
  • Creation of BMO

    Creation of BMO
    In 1817, the Bank of Montreal opened, which gave people the oppertunity to invist their money, in a safe place.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The construction of Erie Canal was was good for the U.S.A.The idea of making this canal was propossed in 1608, but was only created in 1825. It was created to bring the fur industry to New York, U.S.A. Here are a couple of other imporant things that are important about the Erie Canal:
    1)I t made trade easier from the eastern US to the western US.
    2) It connected the Hudson River to Lake Erie.
    3) It helped with trading and it also made trading faster and easier
    4) It reduced shipping costs .
  • Agricultural Crisis

    Agricultural Crisis
    During th 1830's there was a serious agricultural crisis in Canada, and that lead to many famers leaving Canada, and the production of wheat dropped, because there simply were less farmers, therefore Canada started to import more wheat.
  • Canada's First Railroad

    Canada's First Railroad
    In the year 1836, Canada created its first public railway between Saint Jean sur Richelieu and La Prairie, Québec was opened by the Champlain & St. Lawrence Railroad. Trade and transportation were also greatly improved by the linking of Montréal to the Hudson River Valley and New York via the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain.
  • Protectionist Treaty

    Protectionist Treaty
    In 1847, Britain ended the protectionist treaty with Canada.
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    Canada signed the Reciprocity Treaty in 1854, and it ended in 1864. Canada was in need of someone to trade with, so they signed this treaty with the United States so they can trade with them.
  • Canadian Federation

    Canadian Federation
    In 1867, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick joined the Canadian Federation. Later on those 2 provinces made a railway and conected it to Quebec's and Ontario's which was amazing for Canada.
  • Contemporary Period

    Contemporary Period
    The Contemporary Period is from 1867 to present.
  • 1st Phase of Industrialisation

    1st Phase of Industrialisation
    -The 1st Phase of Industrialisation was from 1885 to 1900
    -These first manufacturing industries were powered by coal/steam engines
    - Finished products were being produced
    -The Montreal region was the most industrialized however textile plants were also located in Valleyfield and the Eastern Townships
    -Most of the capital invested came from Great Britain and from the English business community in Montreal
  • 2nd Phase of Industrialisation

    2nd Phase of Industrialisation
    -The 2nd Phase of Industrialisation was from 1900 to 1925
    - Powered by hydroelectricity
    - Non finished products were being produced
  • The Great Depression continuation....

    The Great Depression continuation....
    Many more had borrowed money from banks to buy stock, and when the stock market went belly-up, they couldn't repay their loans and the banks were left holding the empty bag.
  • The Great Depresison

    The Great Depresison
    The stock market crash--During the 1920's the stock market grew and grew, and the more people were putting their money into it. Many people bought on margin which means that they paid only part of stocks when they bought it, and the rest when they sold it.That worked fine as long as stock prices kept going up. But when the market crashed in October l929, they were forced to pay up on stocks that were no longer worth anything.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    -World War 2 was from 1939 to 1945
    -World War 2 was a huge boost on our economy. You might think it was bad to have a war, but it was really good for the economy because it got the money circulating again while people needed to buy weapons for war, and food to be able to survive in war and things like that so the economy started to get back to normal.
  • The Phase of Recession

    The Phase of Recession
    Since the years 1980 and 1990, the phase of recession has had a negative impact on globalization. People lost their jobs, didn't have money to buy food or even pay rent.