econ and development

  • Period: to

    econ and dev.

  • tadoussac

    tadousac was the first permanent settlement in canada created by pierre de chauvin. in was later desserted but was still used as a trading post by amerindiens.
  • Huronia destruction

    Huronia destruction
    the destruction of huronia forced the french to become allies with the algonquins when they had lost their middlemen the Hurons
  • Charter companies

    Charter companies
    they helped develope the colonies in return for exlusive fur trade. their main goal was the fur trade and the profit they made from it.
  • Mercantilists Policies

    Mercantilists Policies
    in 1663 the mother countries would take the un finished products back to their country, finishe them then sell them back to the country.
  • Hudson bay company

    Hudson bay company
    Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard Chouart Des Groseillers were the creators of the hudson bay company. they turned to great brittain when the french turned them doen.
  • beaver crisis

    beaver crisis
    Fur was not in fashion at this time so they had piles of fur. the kind demanded a slow down in the fur industry.
  • Fur trade

    Fur trade
    the fur trades were again a very popular product after 1715
  • United States of america

    United States of america
    the united states ws established in 1783 because of this canada lost most of the land below the great lakes.
  • North-west company

    North-west company
    the North west company was a fur trade company that merged with the hudson bay company after the american revolution.
  • timber industry

    timber industry
    the timber industry was on the rise in 1806 and opened up new ways for work and people to invest.
  • napoleons blockade

    napoleons blockade
    in 1806 napoleon had a blockade on the timber industry therefore quebec introduced their own timber industry.
  • Bank of montreal

    Bank of montreal
    the Bank of montreal (BMO) was opended for the citizens to invest money.
  • reciprocity tready

    reciprocity tready
    canada ans the U.S.A sign the reciprocity tready to stop customs and duties between the two countries
  • industrialisation phase 1

    industrialisation phase 1
    from 1885-1900 the factories we unsanitary and people got a lot of diseases. a lot of the industries were located in montreal.
  • industrialisation phase II

    industrialisation phase II
    this phase of industrialisation lasted till 1915. hydroelectricity was introduced and was used by factories and manufaturers.
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    many people bought shares in companies and took loanes from the bank. shares started to plummet and people lost their money so they spent as little as they could.
  • WWII

    the war period was from 1939-1945. during this period canada volunteered to fight and after the war they were considered an independant country.

    this agreement puts canada the united states and mexico into a free trade market.