Volcanic Eruption
A volcano erupted and the flow of lava is destroying the ecosystem by burning up all the trees and grasses and by turning to rock burying all of the soil under it. -
Pioneer species
First stage of succession is the arrival of pioneer species to break down the rock into soil for the next generation of plants. -
Grasses, Shrubs
After a few years the lichens and mosses break down the rock and grasses and shrubs start growing on the soil and out compete the lichen and mosses to were they die off. -
Pollinators, Flowers and Saplings
Flowers and sapling arrive, bringing in pollinators to pollinate them. -
Large Trees, Herbivores and Carnivores
When the sapling grow the trees can become a food source for larger herbivores and with them come larger carnivores. -
Climax Community
After some time the environment grows back until it reaches its climax community