
Ecological Succession

  • Primary Succession

    Primary Succession
    Lichen grows on rocks in a barren area.
  • Second stage

    Second stage
    Lichen eats rock and creates a gap where soil can gather. Lichen is a pioneer species.
  • 3rd Stage

    3rd Stage
    Small plants and shrubbery grow in the soil created by the rocks and lichen.
  • 4th Stage

    4th Stage
    foliage starts to grow in the increasingly fertile soil.
  • 5th Stage: Trees

    5th Stage: Trees
    Small trees start growing among the other plants.
  • Climax Community

    Climax Community
    Large trees grow and has completed the Climax Community.
  • FIRE!!!!

    Climax Community is Struck by Lightning and nearly all burned down.
  • Secondary Succession

    Secondary Succession
    Out of the ashes, new trees start growing.
  • Almost new

    Almost new
    Small tres and shrubbery start regrowing.
  • Climax Community Again

    Climax Community Again
    Forest has completely regrown.
  • Eutrophication

    Eutrophication is pretty much the excess growth of an environment, mainly lakes. Natural Eutrophication is where a lake naturally becomes more productive, which can take hundreds of years. Artificial Eutrophication however, speeds up this process immensely because of all the fertilizer from human activities.Too much can be a problem as Eutrophication reduces dissolved oxygon in the water and can cause organisms to die.