Robert Owen
Owen was the first to really state that childerns beliefs and behaviors are shaped by the enviroment that surrounds them. He felt that a utopian society could be created if children were taught and shape in the correct way. He started a preschool and kindergarden before Froebel. -
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ECE History
Friedrich Froebel
He started the kindergarten, "garden of children" movement. He believed that teacher’s role is to provide children with the tools necessary to "unfold." The idea of unfolding is like a blossoming flower. He said that children have interests that should be explored by gifts, occupations, and songs. Gifts are objects that children can play with like blocks. Occupations are physical things like a dot – to – dot pictures that let the child physically manipulate the object. Songs help to remember ide -
Maria Montessori
The first lady in this list did a lot for children. She developed the Montessori system for teaching children. It is based in the ideas that children need to explore the environment around them. She stated that children need a “discovery” environment in a classroom instead of a direct lesson all of the time. Respect for children should be the foundation of teaching. -
Jean Piaget
Piaget is one of the first developmental psychologists that really focused on the different milestones children go through. Those stages are: sensorimotor, preoperational stage, concrete operation, and formal operation. His stages are different from others because his focus solely on childhood and formal operations ends sixteen. He stated children are “little scientists” and learn like one. There should be an active approach to teaching. -
Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky stated that scaffolding and supporting children in their endeavors is the best thing for teachers and parents to do for their children. The Sociocultural theory states that children should learn interpersonal relationships and this helps the child’s brain to develop. The zone of proximal development states that we learn better from people that know more about a subject matter. This is why mentorships work well for people. -
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial development states that cognitive development happens at the same time as social development. He had eight stages that occurred throughout the lifetime. These stages all had a conflict and without overcoming the conflict then the individual are stuck in that stage. For instance a child that is in Basic Trust v. Mistrust has to find someone that will take care of him/her in the first two years of their life. If a child does not find a trusting adult then the child has problems for th -
Howard Gardner
Gardner stated that there are multiple intelligences and many of them cannot be measured like an IQ test. He advocated that teachers should develop curriculum that help children to explore these different types of intelligence. He also stated that intelligence is not just one ability but a whole set of abilities.