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eBook History - 1930 - 2022

  • An Eye on the Future

    An Eye on the Future
    Bob Brown writes about reading a book on a machine and calls it "The Readies" in response to films called "Talkies" (Wilber, 2020, para. 1).
  • The Automated Book

    The Automated Book
    Angela Ruiz Robles invents the automated book (Smith, 2016, Section 4, para. 1).
  • The First eBook

    The First eBook
    The first eBook is created by Michael S. Hart (Hardy, 2016, Section 3, para. 1).
  • First Commercial eBook Reader

    First Commercial eBook Reader
    Sony released the first commercial eBook reader called the “Sony Data Discman” (Kowalczyk, 2021).
  • Books on Floppy disk

    Books on Floppy disk
    “The Complete Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is released on a floppy disk (Kowalczyk, 2021).
  • Beowulf Digitized

    Beowulf Digitized
    The British Library digitizes “Beowulf.”
  • First Mass Market eBook

    First Mass Market eBook
    Stephen King’s “Riding the Bullet” novella is released (Kowalczyk, 2021).
  • First Kindle Launched

    First Kindle Launched
    The first Kindle launched in November 2007 cost $399 (Kowalczyk, 2021).
  • Single Author Sells 1 Million+ eBooks

    Single Author Sells 1 Million+ eBooks
    As of July 2010, James Patterson sold 1,143,274 eBooks (Kowalczyk, 2021).
  • All eBook Only Library Opens

    All eBook Only Library Opens
    "BiblioTech – The first eBook-only library opens in Texas with 10,000 titles” (Kowalczyk, 2021).