Nika revolt
Nika revolt took place in eastern Roman Empire and it threatened the life and reign of emperor Justinian. -
Hagia Sophia
Since Constantinople was rocked by rioters and a devastating fire, justinanian wanted to Rome come back to its glory, so he built Hagia Sophia. -
It was rewarded by Justinian with the command of a land and sea expedition against vandal kingdom. -
Jan 1, 634
Early Islamic military campaigns
Early Muslim historians viewed then as a reflection of religious zeal of the conquerors and evindence of divine favor. -
Basil II
In 986, emperor basil II gathered a 30,000 man army, marched on the Bulgarian city of Sofia. Basil II marched his army back toward Byzantine Thrace but was defeated at the battle of the gates of Trajan. -
Great schism
It was between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. They had different traditions and beliefs that it started a problem -
Nov 27, 1095
Emperor Alexios contacts the pole Urban II for military help
On November 27, 1095. Pole Urban II makes perhaps the speech of Middle Ages, by calling all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to reclaim the holy land -
the fourth crusade
The crusaders want to attack the Muslim-controlled Jerusalem through Egypt. but instead in April 1204 the crusaders of western Europe invaded and attacked the Christians city of Constantinople. -
Fall of Constantinople
The fist attack was launched upon Constantinople on a may morning at 1:00am and led by the Bashi- bazouks. The second attack was brought on by the Anatolian Turks from Ishak's army.