Eastern Exploration

  • Sep 15, 1400

    The Caravel

    The Caravel
    The caravel is a type of boat that made travel and exploration much easier.
  • Sep 15, 1460

    Many Trading Posts

    Many Trading Posts
    Portugal has multiple trading posts along the west coast of Africa.
  • Sep 15, 1488

    Southern Tip Of Africa

    Southern Tip Of Africa
    Dias was the first person to sail completely around the southern tip of Africa.
  • Sep 15, 1498

    Vasco De Gama Reaches India

    Vasco De Gama Reaches India
    In 1498, Vasco De Gama sailed around Africa to reach India and trade.
  • Sep 15, 1499

    Vasco De Gama Returns

    Vasco De Gama Returns
    The next year, De Gama returns with some spices from India
  • Sep 15, 1509

    Portuguese Take Over

    Portuguese Take Over
    The Portuguese take defeat the Muslims, gaining control over Indian Ocean trade.
  • Sep 15, 1510

    Portugal Captures Cities In The East

    Portugal Captures Cities In The East
    Portugal captures multiple cities, including Goa in India and Malacca, on the Malay peninsula.
  • Dutch East India Company

    Dutch East India Company
    The Dutch created the Dutch East India Company for Asian trade.
  • English And Dutch Go To Asia

    English And Dutch Go To Asia
    Both the English and the Dutch begin moving into Asia in the 17th century, and the Dutch started weakening the Portuguese's control.
  • Dutch Headquarters

    Dutch Headquarters
    The Dutch set up their headquarters in Batavia, on the island of Java.