Origin Richard McCarty builds grist mill
Richard "English" McCarty obtained 400 acres of land, which he built a grist mill on. This land is now part of East St. Louis. The grist mill and the cabins of several laborers made up a "small outpost which McCarty named St. Ursele, in honor of his wife in Canada."
http://www.museum.state.il.us/RiverWeb/landings/Ambot/Archives/fwp/EarlyHistory.html -
Period: to
East St. Louis
Trading Port
“When St. Louis, Missouri was a mere trading post on the west bank of the Mississippi River and Cahokia, Illinois was considered to be a major city, Captain James Piggott laid the foundations for the establishment of the present day City of East St. Louis. (St. Clair County Genealogical Society)."
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
East St. Louis ftown- plat
First record evidence of a town- plat in East St. Louis (St. Clair County Genealogical Society website par 16).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
East St. Louis Organized Town
(St. Clair County Genealogical Society 17)
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Joining Precinct
Cahokia and Illinoistown (East St. Louis) were joined into one election precinct, with the voting place being at Augustus Pensoneau's residence in Cahokia (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 17).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Commercial Mining Operations
Governor John Reynolds heading a company of commercial mining operations that brought the first crude railroad to Illinois (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 20).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Town of Brooklyn started
Thos. Osburn, James P. Morris, Charles Collins, Joseph Tabor, and W. J. Austin laid out the town in the farthest northwestern part of East St. Louis (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 32).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Town of Brooklyn Plat
The plat for the town of Brooklyn was laid on this day (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 52).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Commercial coal mining by Gov. John Reynolds
rudimentary railroad established to freight coal from the buffs to the river; first in Illinois (Illinois State Museum). -
Period: to
"'Industrical surban governemnt" is effective until 1950s
(p42) The city was more concerned with the growth of industry wihtin the city limits and not the welfare of its citizens. -
Own Precinct
Illinoistown or East St. Louis became its own voting precinct (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 18).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
East St. Louis Economy
<ahref='http://http://www.museum.state.il.us/RiverWeb/landings/Ambot/Archives/fwp/INDUSTRY.html' >
Economy of East St. Louis was based mainly on internal, agrarian, and river trade (Moore 1). -
Wiggins Ferry Company
Wiggins Ferry Company was a major company in the city. The Ferry business bled over from St. Louis (Illinois State Museum) -
Divided Again
Illinoistown is divided again into two parts; one called Illinoistown and the other French Village (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 18).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
East St. Louis Bank
Bank established in the city with a capital stock of $100,000 (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 32).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
East St. Louis given its name
Illinoistown's name is change to East St. Louis. The change wasnt put on record but, by common consent, or usage, it assumed the name of its leading town (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 20).
www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm -
Working Men's Banking Company
The Working Men's Banking Company was established in East St. Louis on this day. It was created by John McMullin, George W. Davis, Henry Schell, E. W. Wider and had a capital stock of $50,000 (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 32). -
Eads Bridge Constructed
<a href='http://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/department/planning/cultural-resources/city-landmark/Eads-Bridge.cfm' >
Created by James Buchanan Eads, an engineer who had never built before, connected East St.Louis to St. Louis, MO. It was "first bridge to carry railroad tracks, the first to use tubular cord members and the first to depend entirely on cantilever construction for its superstructure (The City of St. Louis Missouri website par 1-4)." -
Town of Brooklyn established village
<a href='http://www.stclair-ilgs.org/1881estl.htm' >
Town of Brooklyn was integrated into the general law, It established village ordinances and was prepared to govern its own municipal affairs (St. Clair County Genealogical Society 53). -
Absorbs Illinois City
Illinois City, a settelement of Cahokians that moved up from the river, is absorbed into East St. Louis (Illinois State Museum) -
Railroad workers strike
Spread from East St Louis to St Louis; aims weren't met but the city did come to a standstill -
Period: to
Golden Era
This era was one of industrial expansion. Their was a shift from transportation to manufacturing and city improvement was on the rise. City streets were raised 10ft to help with flooding ( Nunes 1). -
Period: to
Population of East St. Louis
"Population increased 97.4 per cent and the city was the third largest in Illinois with real estate valued at twenty-four millions (Moore 1)." -
City Transportation and Economy
East St. Louis had 27 railroads as a terminal point. It had 50 factories on the "fin de siecle" prosperity that were creating aluminium, baking powder, concrete blocks, enameled iron-ware, fireworks, fertilizer, glass, frogs and switches, structural iron, steel cars, and locomotives (Moore 1). -
Transportational Foci of US
Twenty-seven railroads had their center or terminal point here. Some fifty factories riding the crest of the fin de siecle prosperity were producing aluminium, baking powder, concrete blocks, chemicals, enameled iron-ware, fireworks, fertilizer, glass, Glucose, frogs and switches, structural iron, steel cars, and locomotives. (illinois State Museum) -
Racial Tension
http://www.blackpast.org/aah/east-st-louis-race-riot-july-2-1917</a> White workers who had gone on strike against the Aluminum Ore Company, were replaced by 470 African American workers (Wang par 1-3). -
Race Violence started
<a href='http://www.blackpast.org/aah/east-st-louis-race-riot-july-2-1917</a>
Infuriated white citizens made complaints to the Mayor of East St. Louis about black migrants. News of an attempted robbery of a white man by an armed black man began to circulate through the city, after the meeting with the mayor ended. The results of this, was that a white mob formed and went through downtown, "beating all African Americans who were found (Wang par 3-4)." -
Race Riot
<a href='http://http://www.blackpast.org/aah/east-st-louis-race-riot-july-2-1917</a>White workers went on strike with the Aluminum Ore Company. African Americans were brought in to break the strike. The whites called for a city council meeting, bringing with them complaints against the African Americans. The city did not do anything, so a rumor spread that a black man robbed a white man. The city eruptedly lynching of black men, women, and childern ensued (Wang par 1). -
Period: to
Number of businesses in East St. Louis
http://www.museum.state.il.us/RiverWeb/landings/Ambot/Archives/fwp/INDUSTRY.html</a>East St. Louis leads the nations total stockyard receipts and is the 2nd largest railroad center (Moore 1).
Census Report
East St. Louis working population makes up 42% of the entire population ( Nunes 1). -
Period: to
Population in 1930's
East St. Louis had about 200 industries within its city limits (Nunes 1). -
School sit - in
frican American students preformed sit- ins to protest against the the injustice of discrimination. First demonstration of the Afrian American population in East St. Louis showed direct opposition (Rudwick 9). -
All American City Award
<a href='http://books.google.com/books?id=eVVWdDcWkkwC&pg=PA209&lpg=PA209&dq=east+st+louis+all+american+city+award&source=bl&ots=11iBoFWbx4&sig=wu8sR2CWu7atXIlV4NTn6aOupDs&hl=en&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CDsQ6AEwBGoVChMIqPmQvKKdyAIVyBKSCh2HcwiM#v=onepage&q=east%20st%20louis%20all%20american%20city%20award&f=false'
The city of East St. Louis was awarded the All American City Award by Look Magazine and the National Municipal League (Theising 63). -
55% of the city's popultaion was white. 45% was non-white.
55% of the city's popultaion was white. 45% was non-white. (John H. Luke)
http://www.gao.gov/products/RCED-86-184FS -
Period: to
Loss of business
city lost almost 70% of its business (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis) -
Period: to
Population decline
the city lost 55% of its population during this time (Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis) -
White population less than 5% and Non-White population 95%
White population less than 5% and Non-White population 95% (John H. Luke)
http://www.gao.gov/products/RCED-86-184FS -
Metrolink opened
Lambert-St. Louis International Airport to the 5th & Missouri station -
Jackie Joyner-Kersee Center
-41,000-square-foot youth center
-named for the Olympic star and native of East St. Louis -
Metrolink station opened
St. Clair County extension from 5th & Missouri to College Station -
Social Characteristics
Total Family Housholds -Estimate 6,587
With own children under 18 years -3,361
Married-couple family -1,606
With own children under 18 years-483
Male householder, no wife present, family-644
With own children under 18 years-196
Female householder, no husband present, family-4,337
With own children under 18 years-2,682
http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk -
School Board Reform
The Illinois State Board of Education decides to remove the current board members of the district and replaced them for the betterment of the childern. -
Social Characteristics
Total family households-6,028
With own children under 18 years-2,900
Married-couple family-1,550
With own children under 18 years-431
Male householder, no wife present, family-571
With own children under 18 years-213
Female householder, no husband present, family-3,907
With own children under 18 years-2,256
http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk -
City's oldest bank gets an uplift
The city's oldest bank recieved funds to get a new building. Formerly Union Bank of Illinois, now First Bank
(Federal Reverve Bank of St Louis)