East and Southeast Asia

By NoorT
  • 200

    China: first emperor conquerd much of eastern China.

    He ordered the connection of ancient walls as protection against invaders from the north (Great Wall of China).
  • 202

    China: Han Dynasty

    During the Han dynaty, china's military power grew stronger, and Chinese culure spread into southern China.
  • 300

    Invaders from Asia drove the Ainu into northern Japan

  • 300

    Southeast Asia: rice farming established...

    and people had domesticated buffalo, pigs, and cattle.
  • May 23, 700

    Japan began to develop a unique political system

    The Japanese establish a capital at Kyoto in central Honshu.
  • May 23, 1100

    Kjmer empire included most of mainland Southeast Asia

  • May 18, 1200

    China: Genghis Khan overthrew the Sung dynasty

  • May 23, 1200

    The Thais migrated from southern China into the Khmer regions

  • May 23, 1274

    Mongols tried to incade Japan.

    When the Mongols tried to incade in 1274 and 1281, the Japanese put aside their rivaleries. They united to defeat the invader.
  • May 18, 1279

    China: Mongol invaders led by Genghis Khan ruled all of China

  • May 18, 1500

    European influences reached China by sea

    The first to arrice werethe Portuguese, who set up a trading coloy at Macao in 1557
  • May 23, 1500

    Portugese traders arrived in Japan

  • May 23, 1500

    Europeans can to Southeast Asia

  • Japan remained largely cut off from the world

    from 1600s too the mid-1800s
  • China: Shag period

    In the Shang period (1700 to 1100 BC), the water buffalo was tamedand irrigation syestems were dug.
  • China lost several wars and failed to keep out the Europeans, Japan and US.

  • British and French set up plantations for growing export crops

  • China lost Hong Kong to the British

  • Navy ships under Commodore Matthew C. Perry arrived in what is now called Tokyo Bay.

  • A group of samurai demading reforms overthrew the last shogun,

  • Japan had a consitituion and parliamentary system of government

  • Japan captured Taiwan

  • The Japanese took the island of Taiwan from China

  • The Japanese defated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War

  • Japan annexed Korea

  • China: The Republic of China was formed

  • Japan's empire also included many islands in the North Pacific

  • Japan took over Manchuria

  • Japan invaded eastern China

  • Japan invaded the rest of China

  • Japan signed an alliance with Germany and Italy

  • Japan's defeat

    After Japan's defeat, the Nationalists and the Communists fought for control of China.
  • The US dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Soviet and US occupation forces withdrew from Japan

  • North Korea invaded South Korea, sparking the Korean War

  • North and South Korea signed an armistice, or truce, to end the fighting

  • China: Moa launched the Freat Leap Forward to improve China's economy.

    The purpose of this program was to speed up industrilization
  • China: Culural Revolution also delayed China's economic development and brought chaos to the country

  • China: Moa's death

    After Moa's death Deng Xiaoping came to power
  • China: Pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing, China's capital

  • Burma changed its name to Myanmar after gaining independence

  • Chinese invaded Korea

  • China unity

    After the decline of the Han dyn asty, several warlords divided and ruled China. Unity was not restored until about AD.618
  • Khmer dominated what is now Cambodia

  • China: organizedsociety lived in small farming villages along the Haung River.

  • China: people began farming along the Chang River