precambrian period
ichthyosaurs are living in the ocean, new invertebrates call ammonite develop. Nearly half of the valuable mineral deposits in the world occurr in the rocks of this period -
cambrian period
when tribolites appear. shelled brachoiopods appear. -
ordovician period
very little plant life during this period. colonies of tiny vertebrate call grapolies florished and vertibrates appear, fish did not have jaws teeth on their bodies were covered with bony plates -
silurian period
eurypterids sea stars and coral became more common. Vascular land plants and animals such as scorpians begin to evolve on land. -
Devonian period
Huge plants begin to develope early amphibians form. Age of fishes, fish that can breath out of water and spend time on landform -
carboniferous period
Swamps and forests cover the land. giant cockroaches appear -
permian period
Enviromental change causes mass extinction of sea invertibrates as seas retreat. Appalachian mountain are created because of collision. -
Triassic period
welcome to the world of the dinosaur enter the squirrl sized dinosaurs. small rodents evolve -
Jurassic period
Early reptiles resembling large lizards appear. Dinos are big and dominate the land. -
Cretaceous period
where the species of dinosaurs became carnivores and then plant life began to become sophisticated and later dinosaurs went into a mass extinction. -
Tertiary period
Antartic icecaps begin to form. polluted the oceans. -
paleocene and eocene epochs
epochs where small rodents evolved overtime and having the temperarture of 4 degrees celcius -
Oligocene and miocene epochs
where the indian subcontinent emerged and uplift within the himalayas happened and many early mammals became extinct -
Pilocene epoch
where herbivores and predators evolved into modern forms and when climate change started to happen. -
pliestocene epoch
where ice sheets began to expand and where animals with thick fur began to develope -
Holocene epoch
when the ice sheets melted and when humans started using tools to build things -
anthropocene period
the period which human activity began to evolve.