
By TesLaHD
  • off the coast of equador

    magnitude 8.2 Colombia generated a strong tsunami that killed 500 to 1500 there Honolulu began to register oscillations about 12 hours after the earthquake.
  • assam tibbet

    780 people killed and many buildings collapsed

    magnitude 8.6 Strictly this was not an Indian earthquake

    About 70 villages were destroyed in the Abor Hills
  • Kamchatka

    magnitude 8.2 Property damage from these waves was estimated at $800,000 to $1,000,000 A boathouse worth $13,000 was demolished in Hilo
  • chile

    1,655 killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 homeless, and $550 million damage in southern Chile.
  • Great alaska earthquake

    magnitude 9.2 $2.3 billion in property loss,took 131 lives .
  • rat islands alaska

    Magnitude 8.7 Loss caused by flooding on Amchitka Island was estimated at about $10,000 This earthquake generated a tsunami reported to be about 10.7 meters high
  • west coast

    location 3.316°N, 95.854°E Off the west coast of NORTHERN SUMATRA
  • northern sumatra indonesa

    magnitude 8.6 location 2.074°N, 97.013°E depth 30 km

  • maule chile

    magnitube 8.8 location 35.909°S, 72.733°W depth is 35 km
  • honshu japan

    magnitude 9.0 location 38.297°N, 142.372°E near the east coast of honshu japan