
  • Off the coast of Ecuador

    Off the coast of Ecuador
    disturbances in water level began at 3:30
    killed 1000 people
    to recover: $5 to $24 million
  • Chile-Argentina Border

    Chile-Argentina Border
    Magnitude of 8.5
    total damage would cost $5 to $25 million american dollars
  • Kamchatka

    Magnitude of 8.5
    cost of damage $1 to $5 million dollars
  • Banda Sea, Indonesia

  • Assam-Tibet

  • Andreanof Islands, Alaska

  • Chile

  • Great Alaska

  • Rat Islands Alasks

  • Off the west coast of Northern Sumatra

    Off the west coast of Northern Sumatra
    magnitude 8.6
    latitude of 2.311 degrees north
    longitude of 93.06 degree east