Formation and Creation
Earth is formed from the fiery magmatic rock clusters -
Period: to
Precambrian Time
All the basic stuff before evolution of most lifeforms.( And before manners were invented) -
Eukaryotic cells form, possibly the earliest form of life on Earth -
Oxygen fills the air
cyanobacteria articleCyanobacteria uses photosynthesis, which releases oxygen into the air -
Aneroebes and eukaryotes
The non-oxygen creatures retreated underground as oxygen started to fill the atmosphere more, which gave way to the Eukaryotes, modern plants and animals, and ancient and extinct -
End of the Beginning
The Precambrian Era ends with an ice age that makes many organisms go extinct, but the complex and some simple organsims survive -
The first seed bearing plants appeared -
Period: to
The end of the beginning -
More Life
Many simple insects and invertabraes and oceanic and plant life forms eemerged during the cambrian explosion -
Possibly the first ice age
$50 million years ago, the andean sahara ice age began -
Divide and Conquer
Gondwana and EuroAmerica are seperate giant landmasses that collde to form pangea. A vast ocean covered the remainder of the earth. -
A mass extinction occurs, wiping out approximately 90% of marine life -
We are never ever ever ever getting back together
The breakup of pangaea starts -
Period: to
Dinosaurs. I think -
Divide and conquer II
North America seperates from Africa -
Alligators on a train
The first crocodiles appeared -
Earth's magnetic field is three times stronger than it is today -
Make way for humanity
A mass extinction wipes out pretty much all dinosaurs, 80-90% of Marine life, and 80% of land life -
Humanity at its finest
The first homosapiens appear -
Period: to
a few thousand years ago to modern day -
Hello, how are you
North and South America connect at Central America -
The supervolcano of yellowstone erupts -
Niel Armstrong and that other guy are the first to step onto the moon -
Aliens or Manpower?
The pyramids in egypt are built