Period: 500 BCE to 450 BCE
Earth's Accretion
The particles and materials that come to make up the Earth are gathering together and merging into one larger body. -
450 BCE
Planetary Accretion
The Earth begins as a mass of space dust that grows closer and closer together and eventually forms the earliest form of the Earth.
4.56 Billion years ago -
Period: 449 BCE to 401 BCE
Late Heavy Bombardment
The Earth is being bombarded by rocks and space stuff. Some of the space stuff contains water and other elements. -
445 BCE
Moon is Formed
The moon is formed by a large protoplanet crashing into Earth, with the ruble eventually becoming our moon.
4.4 Billion years ago -
Period: 400 BCE to 300 BCE
Earth's Cooling and Core Forming
During this time the surface of the Earth is cooling, and the crust of the Earth is slowly forming whilst the hot dense core is also forming in the center of the Earth.