The earth


  • Earth Was Created

    Earth was created about 4.6 billion years ago. This event relates majorly to supporting life on Earth, because with Earth, no one or thing would have had ever existed.
  • Paleoproterozoic Era

    During the Siderian Period which was about 2500-2300 million years ago, stable continents first apperared and first free oxygen is found in the oceans and atmosphere. This relates to supporting life on Earth because without stable land or oxygen to breathe then there wouldn't be any life on Earth.
  • Paleozoic Era

    In the Cambrian period, an abundance of mulitcelluar life and most of the major groups of animals first apperar. In the Permian Period, fomation of the supercontinent Pangea apperars and conifers and cyads appear. This all realates to suppoting life on Earth because all living things need a place to walk and food to eat.
  • Mesozoic Era

    During the Triassic Period which was between 251-65.6 million years ago, the break up of Pangea starts, reptiles populate the land, and Sea Urhins appear in oceans. This all relates to supporting life on Earth because with the break up of Pangea lead to different species of living things in different places and reptiles can mate to create more and more living things.
  • Cenozoic Era(65.5 mya-today)

    During the Neogene Period which was 23.03 million of years ago-today, a bunch of different things happened. The first racoons apperared, forests gave way to grasslands, upright walking hominins appeared, and accumulations of ice appeared at the poles. This all relates to supporting life on Earth because without any of these major events, nothing would have existed. Humans would have never of mated and created more and more without living plants and animals.