End of Heavy Bombardment
There were disrupted comets were sent in all directions and collided with the planets. These water-rich objects may have provided much of the water in the Earth's oceans. Later, Earth was able to cool down and continents on which we live on were formed on the surface. -
Planetary Cooling
As the molten Earth cooled down, a thin layer of crust formed on top of the molten insides of the Earth. The layer crust became the outermost layer of Earth on which we stand on today -
Planetary Accretion
Planetary accretion was the process of Earth forming. As the meteors and comets left in the solar nebula kept colliding, it made the Early, hot, chaotic and molten Earth full of volcano eruptions and even more collisions. -
Core Formation
As the outermost layer of crust formed, the inner layers of the Earth were still hot and molten. In the center, there is a heat source that releases all the heat that is now known as the core of Earth. -
Formation of the Moon
When a space debris as large as Mars struck Earth, large chunks of materials of both the asteroid and Earth started orbiting in space. As the pieces flowed in space, over time, the pieces collided with each other and became the moon. -
Period: 5 to 1 CE
Earth's History