Earth's Formation

  • Period: 50 BCE to 35 BCE

    Earth's Formation

  • 46 BCE

    Planetary Accretion and Core Formation

    Dust, gas, and rocks started accumulating together to form the Earth
  • 45 BCE

    Formation of the Moon

    One huge asteroid the size of Mars hits Earth and breaks off a huge piece of it. This rock got stuck in orbit around the Earth and many more smaller rocks started becoming part of it. This all came together to form the moon.
  • 45 BCE

    Start of Heavy Bombardment

    Multiple asteroids were constantly hitting Earth, and al of the other planets in the solar system
  • Period: 45 BCE to 40 BCE

    Planetary Cooling

    After the huge asteroid hit Earth, Earth started cooling down. By 4 billion years ago, Earth was at a temperature suitable for life. The crust of Earth had cooled down, and the molten rock inside was also starting to cool down and concentrate.
  • 38 BCE

    End of Heavy Bombardment

    All of the constant asteroids hitting the planets of the solar system stopped at around 3.8 billion years ago.