4500 BCE
Jupiter is smaller
Jupiter is smaller because he expand a little bit of gas to form planetsimals and this things are ansestors of the inner planets. -
Period: 4500 BCE to 4496 BCE
We are confused which planet is the correct we are talking
One of this planets is Earth. -
Period: 4496 BCE to 4300 BCE
Formation of the Earth
The Earth forms with planetsimals & gas, it’s round or elliptical because this collitions was like a bombardament. -
Period: 4300 BCE to 4250 BCE
Theia colides
There was 5 protoplanets in the solar system, that this chaos occurs because theia & earth was in the same orbit, this looks like the 2 planets are liquid, Earth survived because is bigger than theia. -
Period: 4250 BCE to 4200 BCE
Moon forms
Theia colides with Earth, Earth & Theia looks liquid, in this moment the debris ring forms & the Earth looks like today's Saturn, that this debris ring is to form the moon. -
Period: 4200 BCE to 4100 BCE
First Late heavy bombardament
The late heavy bombardament begins and form water because has like grains of salt that has a little bit of water (THE ASTEROIDS HAS WATER!) but, this bombardament is aquatic and misterious. -
Period: 4100 BCE to 4000 BCE
The mega storm
This mega storm is a prehistoric chaos because the Moon is so close, looks like the Moon will colide with Earth, that not will happen, the Moon will walk away the Earth a bit & the storm dessappears. -
Period: 3950 BCE to 3850 BCE
Prehistoric plants
First plants begins & the fish appears -
Period: 3650 BCE to 3350 BCE
First dinosaurs begins & evolve to reptiles, amphibians, birds & insects. -
Period: 3350 BCE to 3000 BCE
Pangea breaks
Pangaea breaks, the 7 continents forms & mammals evolve. -
Period: 2900 BCE to 2899 BCE
Dinosaurs extinction
One asteroid colides in Golfo de México. -
Period: to
Pangaea forms. -
Period: to
First animals
First Today’s animals appear.