Earth Formation by : Ian Ruttenberg, Artur Damiryan, Anand Jigmedsanjaa, Thomas Gallegos, Wilson Tran
By wilsontran22
4.57: Formation of the Solar System
The Sun forms out of the protoplanetray cloud, forming the Solar System. -
4.56 Ga: Earth Forms and Early Heavy Bombardment
Small asteroids and planetoids collide to form the inner planets. Earth forms out of a series of collisions. Thus, this is the beginning of the Earth. Start of the Hadean Eon. -
4.53: Great Iron Catastrophe
The molten Earth surface heats up so much by impacts that denisty and gravity start to pull the dense metallic material down. It makes its way to the center to form the core. This of course creates the magnetic field as well since the spin of the outer core creates such magnetism. -
4.51: Theian Impact
This is when a Mars-sized planet collided with the early Earth (the early Earth was called Gaia and the impactor Theia). This formed the moon as the circulating debris was ejected. More material was absorbed then ejecting, amking the Earth bigger than before. The remainder formed the moon. -
4.47-4.4 Ga: Partial Solidification of Crust and Presence of Water
Based on evidence from the Jack Hills Zircons, this is likely when water from impacting asteroids became abundant and when the Cool Earth phase began. -
4.47 Ga: Solidifcation of Moon
Evidence of solid lunar rocks appear. Thus, similar circumstances may have occured on Earth. -
4.45-4.35 Ga: Possible Life appears
There may have been some single-celled Hadean life that appeared due to presence of water, but such would be eliminated by the time of the later Late Heavy Bombardment. -
4.4 Ga: Jack Hills Zircon
Oldest confirmed mineral found dates to this period, suggesting a Cool Earth prior with liquid water and solid surface. -
4.1-3.9 Ga: Start of Late Heavy Bombardment
A series of asteroids (likely from the Asteroid belt) protrude into the inner solar system. Constant bombardment of the Earth over long periods of time. This remelts large portions of the Earth and likely eliminated any life that was present. -
4.0 Ga: Oldest Continental Rocks Form
Oldest Evidence of Continental Rocks found, such as those in the Northwestern Territories of Canada, where the oldest sample found was located. -
3.9 Ga: Late Heavy Bombardment ends
The end of the Late Heavy Bombardment. The continental crust is now stable as granitic crust. The melted sections of the crust resolidify due to the end of bombardment. This is the start of the Archean Eon. -
3.85: Single-Celled Life Appears
Oldest confirmed evidence of single-celled life appears. This is single-celled Archae. -
3.8: Banded Iron Formations first appear
Oldest evidence of Banded Iron Formations appear.