Earth's Formation: BCE is counted as MYA instead

  • 14,000 BCE

    The Big Bang

    14 billion years ago, an infinitely dense point, only a few mm wide, explodes and forms the universe.
  • 4500 BCE

    Formation of Sun & Planets

    Roughly 4.5 billion years ago, a star explodes nearby a cloud of dust, causing it to spin faster. The increase in speed made lighter mass concentrate in the middle and form our Sun. Heavier masses orbited around the sun and crashed into each other, combining and growing bigger. One of these rocky masses was the Earth.
  • 4430 BCE

    Formation of Our Moon

    Also around 4.5 billion years ago, 70 million years after earth formed, a planet/asteroid the size of mars collides with earth. The impact melted the asteroid and a bit of Earth, and blasted debris from both. Over time, the debris went into into orbit around the Earth, which eventually formed into the moon. This moon was much closer to Earth than it is now.
  • 3900 BCE

    Earth Cooling & Core Formation

    3.9 billion years ago, meteors continue to pelt Earth. On Earth, the denser materials are pulled to the center by gravity, forming the core, while the lighter materials stay on the surface and cool down, forming a crust.