Early WW2

  • Japan attacks Manchuria

    Following the Mukden accident Japans kwantung army immediately attacked Manchuria.
  • Japan leaves L.O.N

    After being blamed for the Manchuria incident Japan left the LON.
  • Germany leaves L.O.N

    Germany left the LON when they were denied military parity by western party’s.
  • US neutrality acts signed

    The US singed the neutrality acts due to there isolationism policy and not wanting in on foreign affairs.
  • Japan attacks China

    Due to military conflict and disputes Japan attacked China during the early parts of WW2.
  • Germany takes over Austria

    Germany tries to regain lost land and annexed Austria.
  • Munich peace conference begins

    This was an agreement for Germany to regain land that they once had in Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany takes over czechoslovakia

    Through the Munich conference Germany took over Czechoslovakia.
  • Non-aggression pact (Germany and USSR)

    Germany and the USSR met and agreed to be “allies” but Germany later attacked the soviets.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany attacked Poland in sept. of 1939 this marked the start of WW2.
  • France falls to Germans

    France and the lower lands were invaded by Germany and taken over.
  • Battle of Britain begins

    The Battle of Britain was the first large scale Air Force battle in modern war, the UK defended its capital while the nazis tried to invade.