Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
He formulated the Heliocentric model, which replaced Earth with the Sun as the center of the solar system -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
He indicated new stars -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilie
Improved telescope and discoverd phases of jupiter -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannees Kepler
Created the laws of planetary motion -
Giovanni Cassini
Discovered the 4 satellites of Saturn -
Sir Isaac Newton
created Laws of motion and gravity -
Edmond Haley
Discovered Haley's Comet -
Charles Messier
Made the Astronimc Cadolouge conisting of nebulas and star clusters -
William Herschel
Discovered Uranus,Titania and Oberon -
Anne Jump Cannon
Developed a contemporary stellar classification -
Albert Einstein
Discovered the Theroy of Relativity -
Edwin Hubble
Advanced in the field extryalactic astronomy -
Frank Drake
Searched out Extra Terestrial life -
Carl Sagan
Studied the tempuratures of Venus -
Stephen Hawking
Created Gravitational singularity theorems