Feb 19, 1473
nicholas copernicus
heliocentric model -
Dec 14, 1546
tycho brahe
tychoes lunar theory -
Feb 15, 1564
galileo galilie
phases of venus -
Dec 27, 1571
johannes kepler
laws of planetary motion -
giovanni cassini
found 4 of saturens moons -
sir isaac newton
law of gravity -
edmon haley
irst astrologer to calculate the orbit of haleys comet -
charles messier
discovered -
william herschel
sidereal astronomy -
anne jump cannon
contemperary steller clasifcation -
albert einstein
theory of relativety -
edwin hubble
hubble telescope -
frank drake
search for extrateraterrestrial intelligence -
carl sagan
published over 600 scientific writing -
stephen hawking
black holes big bens universe