Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
A mathematician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary and the Earth revolved around it. -
Dec 14, 1546
Tyche Brahe
Devised precise instruments before the telescope was invented to observe planetary motion. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
He was the first to use the telecope to study the heavens and was the father of modern phyics. -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
Used Brahes's data to build on realization that orbits of the planets were ellipses.He then formulated the Three Laws of Planetary Motion. -
Giovanni Cassini
He discovered the gaps in Saturn's ring, fourof itmoons,and therotationalperiod of Jupiter. -
Sir Isaac Newton
He explained the forces that are involved in planetary motion. -
Edmond Haley
The firt man to recognize the recurring astronomical visitor now known as Haley's Comet. -
Edmond Haley
The first man to recognize the recurring astronomical visitornowknown as Haley's Comet. -
Charles Messier
Known for his astronomical catalogue of deep sky objects suck as star clusters and nebulae. -
William Herschel
Hediscovered the planet Uranus and several moons around oher gas giants. -
Anne Jump Cannon
She wasresponible for the classification of hundreds of thousands of sars. -
Albert Eintein
He developed the theory of relativity and the adiabatic principle. -
Period: to
Frank Drake
He wasan American astronomer and astrophycisis. He ismost famous for founding SETI. He pioneered the search for extra-teretial intelligence. -
Edwin Hubble
His research helped prove that the universe is expanding and he created a classification system for galaxies that has been used for decades. -
Carl Sagan
He assembledhe firs messagesthat were sent intospace. He studied extra-terrestrialintelligenceandadvocatedfor nucleardisarment. -
Stephen Hawking
Hedeveloped a mehematicalprooffor black hole,heproved Enstein's theoryofrelativity and redefined the Big Bang Theory.