Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
He was considered as the father of astronomy because he championed an heliocentric theory that was breaking away from the Aristotelia theories. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
He gave credence to conarnicus's claims that the sun was the center of the universe telescope. -
Dec 14, 1571
Tycho Brahe
he inventted the telescope, providing the orbits of the sun. he collted data that enable Kepler. -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
He contributed a mathermical law of motion to astronomy And Kepler law. -
Giovanni Cassini
Cassini is known for Cassinin Division, Cassini's laws and cassinin oval. -
Sir Isaac Newton
He's biggest contribution to astronomy was thelaw of gravity. -
Edmomd Halley
He was a English astronomist, geophysicist, mathematic meteorgist and physicist who computing the orbit of the eponymous Halley's comet -
Charles Messier
Charles Messier was a French astronomer best known for his astronomical publication cataloguing deep sky objects such as star cluteus and nebulane. -
William Hershel
William Herschell discovered the planet ubanus in 1781 with a self -made telescope he also discovered the star are not fixed. -
Anne JumpCannon
Cannon contribution to astronomy was the Henry Draper catalogue named after the first man to photograph stellar specta, also for stellar dassi fication. -
Albert Einstein
Einstein contribution include the equivalence knew as mass and energy (E=mc^2) how to maximun speed, Messiev measure of times space general relatively. -
Edwin Hubble
He discovered that Andromeda nebula is really a galaxy external to the miky way. He also discovered the expansion of the universe. -
Frank Drake
Drake contributed to the search for extarrest ficationrial intelligence. Healso conducted the first SETI.He's famous for developing an equation called the Drake equation. -
Stephen Hawking
Stephen is known for the theory of the evaportion of black holes and his contribtion to cosmology and quantum gravity. -
Carl Sagan
Dr. Sagan made seminal contyibutions to the study of planetray atmosphere,planetry surfaces and history of earth and exobiology.He popularizing astronomy to public.