Photo on 2014 04 10 at 09.46  4

early thinkers- evelyn dais, francine vazquez

  • Jan 1, 1473

    nicholas copernicus

    nicholas copernicus
    propposed a model of the earth with the sun in the middle.
  • Jan 1, 1546

    tycho brahe

    tycho brahe
    created angle measuring dence
  • Jan 1, 1564

    galileo galilei

    galileo galilei
    decriptions of the behavior of moving objects
  • giovanni cassini

    giovanni cassini
    discovered four of saturns moons
  • sir issac newton

    sir issac newton
    first to formulate and test the low of universal gravitation
  • edmond haley

    edmond haley
    developed a mechanical explantion for planetary motion
  • charles messier

    charles messier
    documented obervations of mercury
  • william herschel

    william herschel
    discovered uranus
  • anne jump cannon

    anne jump cannon
    classified 225,000 stars
  • albert einstein

    albert einstein
    theory of relativity
  • frank drake

    frank drake
    1 of the pioneers i the search for extrater restiral
  • carl sagan

    carl sagan
    well known scientist during the 1970's 80's
  • stephen hawking

    stephen hawking
    author of several populars science books and black holes
  • edwin hubble

    edwin hubble
    established the field of extra galatic astronomy