Feb 19, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
Nicholas Copernicus was the first man to purpose the heliocentric model of our solarsystem. -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe is known for quality observations and his propstion of the geocentric model. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was the first to use a telescope to study the heavens. He also discovered 4 moons of Jupiter -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler is known for his works on planetary motion. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton defined the three laws of gravity and the theory of universal gravity. -
Edmond Halley
Edmond Halley is credited with the discovery of Halley's comet and invented the diving bell. -
Charles Messier
He discovered 13 comets and made the Messier catalogue. -
William Herschel
William is most known for his discovery of Uranus and it moons. He also discoverd IR and two moons of Saturn. -
Anne Jump Cannon
She is known for her specilization in the classification of steller spectra. -
Albert Einstein
He is known for his theroy of relitivity and his work on the Manhattan project. -
Edwin Hubble
Edwin Hubble discover that the universe is expanding. -
Giovanni Cassini
He is know for his discover of 4 moons of Saturn. -
Frank Drake
He founded SETI and is also known for his delvopment of the Drake Equation. -
Carl Sagan
Know for his work on Venus. -
Stephen Hawking
He is most know for his work on black holes and physics.