Feb 10, 1473
Nicholas Copernicus
He identified the concept of a heliocentric solar system -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
Tycho is known for his acurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. -
Dec 27, 1551
Johannes Kepler
Kepler is known for his laws of planetary motion. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galieo Galilie
was known as the modern father of Astronomy -
Sir Isaac Newton
recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time -
Edmond Haley
Known for computing the orbit of the eponymous Halleys comet -
Charles Messier
Known as the 110 "Messier objects". The purpose of the catalogue was to help astronomical observers. -
William Herschel
A Hanoverian born British astronomer, technical expert. -
Anne Jump Cannon
Her work was instrumental in the development of contemporary stellar classification. -
Albert Einstein
He developed the general theory relativity, one of the two pilliars of modern physics. -
Edwin Hubble
Played a crucial role in establishing the filed of extraglactic astronomy and is generally regarded as one of the most important observational cosmologists of the 20th century -
Frank Drake
An American astronomer and astrophysicist. He is most notable as one of the pioneers in the search for extraterrestrial inelligence. -
Stephen Hawking
An English theoretical physicist, cosmologist.