Early States of Africa and the Americas

By bwisebw
  • 2500 BCE

    Polytheism emerges in Mesoamerica

    Polytheism emerges in Mesoamerica
    Polytheism is when you believe in or worship more than one god.
  • Period: 2250 BCE to 750 BCE

    Rainforest Settlements

    The rainforest settlement comes from the Kintampo complex, which is now present day Ghana. The people in these rainforest settlements lived primarily in wood and mud huts. It's thought that these people also used the slash and burn farming still to grow their vegetation. This form of farming help create a nutrient rich layer to help fertilize the crops in the rainforest.
  • 1400 BCE

    The Mayan Ball Game

    The Mayan Ball Game
    The Mayan Ball Game was a very popular team ball game that was played in stadiums all over Mesoamerica as a form of entertainment. Every major city had had multiple playing courts. The sport was taken very serious and sometime became a game of life or death, sacrificing the loser of the contest
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 600 BCE

    Early Mayan Kingdoms

    During the early states of Mayan empire rich farmers were able to form kingdoms. Rich farmers had the ability to build large homes that were able to house their families and domestic workers that they employed. These rich famers named themselves chieftains in which they then forced their family rule of the town or villages that they controlled. Once they became rich enough they even employed military forces to protect the lands and enforce their rule over the people inside of their territory.
  • 950 BCE

    Surgical Procedure

    Surgical Procedure
    In 950 BCE we for the first time see evidence that surgical procedures are happening in Mesoamerica
  • 800 BCE

    Iron Smelting

    Iron Smelting
    It's believed that in 800 BC that iron smelting had made its way from the Middle East to sub- Saharan Africa
  • 800 BCE

    West African Village Farming

    West African Village Farming
    Western Africans used the slash and burn method of farming to help clear areas in which they could farm. It was relatively easy to clear areas by using stone tools to cut down trees. Yam fields were extremely popular form of vegetation that villagers planted.
  • 600 BCE

    Earliest Documentation

    Earliest Documentation
    The stone carving in Oaxaca is known to be the earliest documentation in Mesoamerica. The stone carving is a 260 day divinatory calendar that is actually still used today in some part of southern Mexico.
  • 600 BCE

    The spread of urbanism in West Africa

    The spread of urbanism in West Africa
    The spread of urbanism began when people started moving away from the dry sahara and started moving south. By creating villages things like agriculture and farming became increasingly more productive.
  • 600 BCE

    Tsetse Fly infect Sub-Saharan Africa

    Tsetse Fly infect Sub-Saharan Africa
    The Tsetse fly is an insect that carried a virus that had the ability kill both humans and domestic animals. The fly could be found near any body of water or in rainforest as it thrived in low elevation.